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City Clerk Duties and Responsibilities

While a city clerk’s day-to-day duties and responsibilities are determined by where they work, there are many core tasks associated with the role. Based on our analysis of job listings, these include:

Maintain Public Records From updating public information to handling open records requests, city clerks are tasked with managing public records. They must update information pertaining to any new legislation and manage files about court rulings, agreements, deeds, public complaints, vital statistics, and claims regarding property damage.

Oversee City Council Meetings City clerks attend city council meetings. They record minutes for both public meetings and closed sessions, create and distribute meeting agendas, and furnish information about meetings to the public.

Manage Legal Information It falls to city clerks to ensure that all state laws and policies are adhered to within the municipal office. They review procedures, address discrepancies, publish legal notices, develop ordinances, and train staff in all areas of regulations and compliance.

Issues Licenses and Permits City clerks review applications and issue permits and licenses and process payments for these documents. These could include licenses for transportation services, serving alcohol, entertainment, business ownership, selling tobacco products, or zoning.

Coordinate Elections City clerks manage local election processes. They make sure local standards are met at the polls, manage election equipment, maintain voter registration lists, prepare ballots, publicize election information, and record election results. They also reinforce campaign finance regulations.


City Clerk Skills and Qualifications

Leaders with an eye for detail and the ability to handle several tasks at once can make successful city clerks. After looking over several job postings for this position, we found that many employers seek applicants who display the following skills:

  • Computer skills – from electronic records management to email communications, city clerks should be knowledgeable about computer hardware and software systems and operations
  • Project management – scheduling, budgeting, and team building are important project management skills that city clerks should demonstrate on a daily basis
  • Office skills – city clerks should have strong typing skills and have knowledge of working copiers, fax machines, scanners, and other office equipment
  • Communication skills – city clerks should possess strong oral and written communication skills, as they converse and interact with a diverse public as well as public officials, local business owners, and elected officials
  • Reporting – it is important that city clerks have the ability to create clear public reports and relay all important information to the public as needed
  • Organization skills – city clerks must keep accurate records and be able to access requested information in a timely manner
  • Ability to work independently – though city clerks often work closely with staff, it is crucial that they make decisions and address situations with little or no supervision when required

City Clerk Education and Training

In most cases, employers do not request that candidates for a city hold more than a high school diploma or equivalent. Taking business, public administration, or political science coursework can be helpful. City clerks typically get on-the-job training to learn about government policies, regulations, and programs; this training could take several months to complete.


City Clerk Salary and Outlook

Based on the most recent information provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), city clerks earn a median annual salary of just over $37,000. City clerks earning in the lowest 10th percentile are paid about $24,000, while top earners can see a yearly salary of $58,500. City clerks employed by state government offices earn a higher mean annual salary (nearly $44,000) compared to local government offices (just under $39,000), the BLS reports. City clerks employed in New York earn the highest average annual wage in the US at close to $56,000, followed by New Jersey ($50,000) and Connecticut (just over $49,000). A 6 percent employment growth rate for city clerks is projected by the BLS through 2026. This figure is influenced mostly by regular turnover as individuals retire from this occupation. Currently, there are more than 135,000 city clerks employed in the US.


Helpful Resources

Do you feel that you could serve the public well as a city clerk? You can learn more about this occupation and what it entails by examining the resources provided below:

International Institute of Municipal Clerks – from online educational programs to certification, IIMC provides several resources and support for city clerks. Members can also benefit from professional development opportunities, networking, conferences, and links to relevant publications

City Clerks Association of California – members of CCAC have access to an annual conference, a mentoring program, training, networking, and updates on legislation. Each state has its own city clerk or municipal clerk association; check online for the state in which you live

Mastering Council Meetings: A Guidebook for Elected Officials and Local Governments – since running or assisting in the development of council meetings is one of the major duties of a city clerk, this book is essential for anyone starting out in this profession. Get an inside look into meeting procedures, discussion strategies, and debate practices

CivicPlus Blog – novice and seasoned city clerks can find a lot of useful tips and review best practices with this blog. Find articles addressing risk management, programming enhancements, meeting management, citizen engagement, and so much more

NextRequest – handling requests for public information is a key responsibility of city clerks, and this blog explores current trends and best practices when it comes to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Review articles about transparency, request processes, reporting organization, and other important topics in this area of city clerking Government Gone Digital Podcast – hosted by the local government of Gilbert, Arizona, this podcast is “technology meets governing.” Access podcasts that explore such ideas as using social media, online community engagement, online feedback, the use of video, and other ways that technology can be used to enhance the job of a city clerk or similar official

Managing America’s Cities: A Handbook for Local Government Productivity – this thorough book takes a look at city clerk roles, functions of various municipal government departments, and the overall structure of local government. It examines planning and goal-setting strategies that are effective for those working at this level of government

Local Government Management: Current Issues and Best Practices – both students and professionals can take something away from this comprehensive book, which gathers articles addressing such topics as public personnel management, citizen involvement, local government productivity, and budgeting practices