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Recruitment Manager Duties and Responsibilities

In order to ensure that their company’s recruitment process is as refined and efficient as possible, Recruitment Managers perform a wide array of tasks. We analyzed multiple online job postings to identify these core duties and responsibilities.

Create and Modify Procedures Using their experience analyzing what works and what doesn’t, Recruitment Managers will need to critically evaluate their company’s current recruiting procedures and modify them accordingly. And, if necessary, Recruitment Managers will design brand new procedures and oversee their implementation.

Supervise the Recruiting Team A Recruitment Manager’s daily duties will involve continued supervision of their company’s recruiting team. This involves a great deal of communication with the team in order to streamline processes, solve problems and identify areas in need of improvement.

Monitor Metrics Recruitment Managers will need to keep track of their company’s recruitment metrics, such as time-to-hire and cost-per-hire. Also known as key performance indicators (KPIs), these metrics will make it easier for Recruitment Managers to see where problems lie and address them quickly.

Build the Network To ensure that their company has access to the widest possible pool of candidates to choose from, Recruitment Managers will need to network with other employers and employees within the same industry by attending conferences, job fairs, seminars, etc.

Forecast and Plan Recruitment Managers must coordinate with other department heads in order to anticipate future hiring needs. This will give Recruitment Managers ample time to plan for those needs and to develop a recruitment strategy in advance.


Recruitment Manager Skills

Successful Recruitment Managers are charismatic, results-driven people who are just as comfortable building business relationships as they are analyzing data and forming strategies. They aren’t afraid of socializing with people they don’t know, and they rarely shy away from a challenge. In addition to these general attributes and personality traits, employers are looking for Recruitment Managers with the following skills and qualifications.

  • Overseeing a small or large team of recruitment professionals.
  • Establishing and maintaining meaningful, long-lasting professional relationships.
  • Communicating effectively with others both verbally and in writing.
  • Analyzing data in order to modify and design recruitment strategies.

Recruitment Manager Salary

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Human Resources Managers, a category that includes Recruitment Managers, make a median annual salary of $106,910. The lowest paid earn $63,140 or less per year, while the highest paid earn $193,950 or more per year. Recruitment Managers in the District of Columbia, New Jersey and Rhode Island enjoy the highest annual salary in the U.S., earning $146,690, $139,420 and $136,790 per year respectively.