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Technical Consultant Duties and Responsibilities

Providing customers with technology that can help them operate more efficiently is at the heart of a tech consultant’s position. Our analysis of job postings revealed the following as some of the core responsibilities taken on by technical consultants:

Assess Technical Operations Technical consultants must have a solid grasp of the problem that needs to be solved in order to choose the appropriate software and hardware. By talking with clients, they learn about expectations and desired results. Technical consultants may even spend a few days observing a workplace to get a better idea of the operations and of where improvements can be made.

Design and Test Technology Using their array of knowledge and coding ability, technical consultants develop what the customer wants. They may have to make modifications to get hardware and software to work together. At each step along the way, technical consultants conduct tests to verify that their plans are working correctly. They also keep an eye out for bugs and security challenges.

Implement New Technology Once technical consultants come up with solutions, they do the necessary setup for the customer and work out any kinks that may arise. Additionally, tech consultants may design manuals for the employees as well as teach them to use the new technology. If unexpected problems come up over time, tech consultants may be called back to troubleshoot.

Business Management Self-employed technical consultants need to manage themselves as a business. Actions include marketing to attract new clients, networking, record-keeping, and paying/filing their own taxes.


Technical Consultant Skills

A strong technical background is necessary, and exceptional inductive and deductive reasoning skills certainly aid job performance. However, numerous other abilities can serve a technical consultant well. Among them are:

  • Listening carefully to figure out what problem needs to be solved
  • Communicating clearly so that even non-tech employees can understand what is being done or taught
  • Keeping clients updated so that they have an accurate assessment of costs and timeframe
  • Thinking critically to analyze the pros and cons of solving a problem in a certain way
  • Collaborating well with other professionals in the design team
  • Marketing one’s services effectively to attract additional clients

Technical Consultant Education and Training

Most technical consultants hold a bachelor’s degree or higher. Common fields of study include computer science, computer engineering, and informatics. Professional certification may increase job prospects. As technology is ever changing, tech consultants should be prepared to be lifelong learners in order to stay relevant and employable.


Technical Consultant Salary

The median annual salary for technical consultants, categorized by the BLS under “Software Developers, Applications,” is $100,080. Technical consultants in the 10th percentile earn about $58,300 a year, and the highest paid make in excess of $157,500 a year. Technical consultants in Washington, California, and the District of Columbia make the highest median salaries in the U.S. – $126,140, $118,220, and $112,830, respectively.


Technical Consultant Resources

As you continue to consider a career as a technical consultant, the following sources can be of assistance:

Inside the Technical Consulting Business: Launching and Building Your Independent Practic

e by Harvey Kaye – This book provides the lowdown on everything technical consultants need to know before starting their own business, including step-by-step instructions on creating a personal strategic marketing plan and building client relationships.

Professional and Technical Consultants Association – This Silicon Valley non-profit professional organization helps businesses and independent consultants connect. From profiles of members to industry surveys on rates, this group’s website has plenty of relevant and useful information for technical consultants.