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Quality Assurance Assistant Duties and Responsibilities

Quality assurance assistants perform many tasks to accomplish their core goal. Based on our analysis of job postings, these are some of their most common duties:

Complete Quality Assurance Audits

Quality assurance assistants act as catalysts for change and improvement in performance and quality. They do so by establishing product specifications and quality attributes, measuring production, documenting evidence, and determining operational and performance qualification. Quality assurance assistants working in certain industries, such as healthcare or manufacturing, may need specialized industry knowledge to accomplish this.

Create Analytical Reports

The quality assurance assistant extracts database information and manipulates data into clear reports for management, corporate executives, and clients as needed.

Maintain and Update Company Procedures and Policies

Each business has its own set of internal procedures and quality standards, which are laid out in policy and procedural manuals that all employees can refer to. The quality assurance assistant maintains this knowledge base to keep it up to date and comprehensive. This can involve communicating with team members not on the quality assurance team and reformatting their day-to-day duties into clear, concise company policy articles.


Quality Assurance Assistant Skills and Qualifications

Successful quality assurance assistants are flexible, proactive workers with excellent communication skills and strongly analytical minds. Employers typically seek candidates who have a high school diploma and at least two years of industry experience, or a college degree. Essential job skills include:

  • Analytical thinking – quality assurance involves data manipulation and analysis. A skilled quality assurance assistant can draw relevant conclusions from data, manipulate data for presentation and reporting, identify patterns, and come up with viable solutions, all while adhering to deadlines
  • Communication skills – quality assurance assistants work with colleagues, management, and clients on a daily basis. A good quality assurance assistant can get the information they need from workers on the floor just as easily as upper management, without disrupting the flow of business
  • Technical writing – because quality assurance assistants contribute to a company’s internal knowledge base of official policies and procedures, this position requires a strong grasp of formal English and excellent writing and editing skills
  • Self-motivation – the quality assurance assistant role is flexible and varies from day to day. It’s often up to the individual employee to determine what needs to be done. Successful quality assurance assistants can identify solutions independently and work with minimal supervision

Quality Assurance Assistant Education and Training

Any bachelor’s degree is accepted for this position. Although many employers are willing to hire quality assurance assistants without a college degree, they often require at least two years of industry experience in such cases. This is particularly true in the automotive, aviation, and other industries that must adhere to strict, specific regulations.


Quality Assurance Assistant Salary and Outlook

Typical salaries for quality assurance assistants range from $37,000 to $48,000 per year, with the highest-paid quality assurance assistants earning $51,000 or more. Full-time quality assurance assistants employed by large companies typically receive benefits packages that include paid vacation and health insurance. Because quality assurance is a critical component of many industries, this position is not likely to go away any time soon. A high-performing quality assurance assistant can often work their way up internally, earning promotions to or project manager.


Helpful Resources

There are many helpful resources out there for those interested in becoming a quality assurance assistant. Check out these links full of learning opportunities and the latest industry news:

Quality Control for Dummies – this straightforward, easy-to-understand guide outlines the basics of quality control. Fans of the For Dummies series are sure to feel right at home with this text

Cracking the Popular QA Interview Questions with Answers – the primary goal of this book is to help aspiring testers, quality assurance analysts, and leads successfully pass their interviews and secure a job. The basics of quality assurance testing are reviewed and an interview guide is included

Statistical Methods for Quality Assurance: Basics, Measurement, Control, Capability, and Improvement – this top-quality, in-depth textbook on the basics of quality assurance is guaranteed to be an invaluable resource for anyone in the industry