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Electrical Maintenance Technician Duties and Responsibilities

Electrical maintenance technicians work in many different places and find employment with many types of businesses. No matter where they work, electrical maintenance technicians are required to fulfill these specific duties regularly:

Maintain Electrical and Mechanical Systems Electrical maintenance technicians must perform regular maintenance on existing systems and design maintenance schedules for all systems to ensure they remain in proper working order.

Troubleshoot Electrical maintenance technicians troubleshoot and repair motors, mechanical circuits, and all mechanical and electrical systems.

Perform Tests Routine and on-the-spot tests of all mechanical and electrical systems and circuits must be performed regularly by electrical maintenance technicians.

Follow Safety Regulations Electrical maintenance technicians are responsible for following and maintaining all OSHA safety standards and regulations with everything they do.

Write Cost Analysis Reports Electrical maintenance technicians write cost analysis reports for maintaining, upgrading, and repairing machinery and electrical systems.

Train Junior Technicians Electrical maintenance technicians provide training for junior technicians and advise them on how to follow safety regulations.

Track Inventory All tools and parts used must be tracked by electrical maintenance technicians, and new items must be ordered as needed.


Electrical Maintenance Technician Skills and Qualifications

Electrical maintenance technicians must be good with their hands and have a strong grasp of mechanical and electrical systems and how they work. In addition to electrical training, employers look for candidates who display the following skills:

  • Attention to detail – every single circuit and wire must work properly in order for the electrical system to function, so electrical maintenance technicians must be highly detail-oriented
  • Customer service – electrical maintenance technicians need to communicate effectively with clients, making good customer service essential
  • Leadership skills – because electrical maintenance technicians train junior technicians, employers look for candidates who display leadership abilities
  • Communication skills – electrical maintenance technicians write reports and relay important information to clients, so people with strong communication skills have a better chance of excelling in this career
  • Knowledge of schematics and blueprints – electrical maintenance technicians must know how to properly read electrical schematics and building blueprints

Electrical Maintenance Technician Education and Training

Electrical maintenance technicians must have a high school diploma or equivalent in order to pursue this career path. Employers also look for candidates who have some work experience in electrical, manufacturing, industrial, or construction environments. All electrical maintenance technicians must know all OSHA safety regulations and stay up-to-date on changes to safety policies. Most employers will require that candidates pass an electrician competency test. Some companies create their own test based on their needs, while others may use the standardized SKAT electrical test or the Apprentice Electrical Technician Test (ETT). The ETT test has about 40 questions and takes three hours or less to complete. Candidates are not required to have a journeyman electrician license, but having one can increase a candidate’s chance of getting a job. It is also helpful for candidates to know how to operate a forklift, though this is not a hard requirement.


Electrical Maintenance Technician Salary and Outlook

The average hourly rate for electrical and electronics engineer technicians, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), is $29.90 per hour. That equates to a median annual salary of $62,190. There were 137,000 jobs available in this field in 2016, and the BLS projects job growth for this career at 2 percent. This is slower than the national average. Electrical maintenance technicians can expect to receive a full benefits package including health, dental, and vision insurance. Retirement planning benefits are also offered as a standard perk, as are paid holidays and vacation leave.


Helpful Resources

Use the following websites and books to learn how to find and keep a job as an electrical maintenance technician:

InterNational Electrical Testing Association – Visit the NETA website to find more information about electrical certification programs and accreditation testing.

Industrial Maintenance Electrical & Instrumentation Technician, Level 3: Trainee Guide, 3rd Edition – This guide contains text and illustrations for electrical maintenance technicians, including information about machinery, tools, and calculations needed to perform the job.

Electrical Generating Systems Association – The EGSA is for people in electrical careers of all sorts. Its website provides resources and information about trade shows, certification programs, and educational opportunities for electrical professionals.

Industrial Maintenance – Use this book to learn about maintenance of mechanical and electrical systems, including important safety information and electrical theory that helps professionals advance in their chosen career path.