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Scanning Clerk Duties and Responsibilities

While a scanning clerk’s day-to-day are determined by the company where they work, there are many core tasks associated with the role. Based on our analysis of job listings, these include:

Preparing Documents for Scanning Before documents can be scanned into digital copies, they need to be appropriately prepared for the scanning process. This preparation often includes removing anything holding individual sheets together, like paper clips or staples, and sorting them in the correct order. This may also include unfolding individual sheets so that content is visible.

Scanning Documents Once they have a set of documents ready for scanning, scanning clerks perform the actual conversion to digital copies. This scanning process includes placing the physical records into a scanner in the right orientation and pressing the right buttons to initiate the scan.

Check Quality of Scanned Documents After documents have been scanned, scanning clerks are responsible for checking the quality of the digital copies. Sometimes, scanned records can have lower image quality or an improper alignment. If there is a problem, scanning clerks re-scan the individual documents.

Compile Scanned Documents Many scanners don’t compile the documents in any kind of folder structure on the computer. Scanning clerks are often responsible for compiling the scanned documents into a logical folder organization so others within the company can quick and efficiently find the records they need.

Report on Progress to Supervisor Converting a company’s paper records into digital copies is a large undertaking and management is usually interested in the overall process. As such, scanning clerks are responsible for reporting progress to office management. This usually takes place during quick, in-person meetings or through email reports.


Scanning Clerk Skills and Qualifications

Scanning clerks are able to perform repetitive tasks with efficiency and attention to detail. Successful candidates hold at least a high school diploma or GED, and many employers look to hire candidates who are familiar with scanning equipment and document conversion. Scanning clerks also possess the following skills and qualifications:

  • Physical fitness – many scanning clerks need to stand on their feet for hours at a time while they organize documents and scan them. Candidates are in a physical condition that allows for this.
  • Experience with scanning equipment – most scanning equipment is similar in operation, and successful candidates have at least some experience with corporate scanners and other relevant equipment.
  • Efficiency – scanning clerks need to work as efficiently as possible so they can complete the document scanning as fast and as effective as possible.
  • Attention to detail – scanning clerks pay close attention to details in order to perform their scanning duties as accurately as possible. Since the paper records will eventually be destroyed, scanning clerks need to be able to catch mistakes and correct them quickly.
  • Highly organized – scanning clerks are highly organized and they are well-versed in a variety of different filing systems.

Scanning Clerk Education and Training

Most employers require their scanning clerks to have at least a high school diploma or GED. Further education isn’t required for this position but may be required if scanning clerks want to get promotions and move up within the company. Scanning clerks often receive simple, on-the-job training to get up to speed with their employer’s scanning equipment and filing system. This on-the-job training usually also includes learning about the company’s benefits, mission, and other related items.


Scanning Clerk Salary Outlook

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), scanning clerks fall under the General Clerks category and can expect to make around $15.14 per hour. Those in the top 10% of earners make as much as $24.80 per hour, while those in the lowest 10% make as little as $9.55 per hour. The BLS reports little to no growth for scanning clerks over the course of the next 10 years. Most companies have digitized their physical records and will continue to store all records digitally. However, some industries are expected to hire more scanning clerks over the next decade. One example is the medical industry, since the population continues to age, and many medical offices will need scanning clerks to maintain the physical and digital records of patients.


Helpful Resources

If you want to learn more about the duties and responsibilities of scanning clerks, check out some of these helpful resources:

OfficeNinjas – This website is dedicated to serving the administrative profession through curated content and events that bring admin professionals together. You can also subscribe to the website’s newsletter to receive real-time updates and news about the office administration field.

All Things Admin – This website provides a wide variety of resources for all kinds of administrative professionals. The website contains a blog that is updated regularly and links to admin training. The owner of the website has also written a variety of books for administrative professionals like scanning clerks.

Records Management – This textbook is helpful for students and professionals alike. It contains a lot of helpful information about how to create a comprehensive and organized filing system using modern technology and traditional methods. The rules and methods presented here follow all of the American Records Management Association’s (ARMA) standards for filing systems.

The Organized Admin – This book focuses on presenting ways to organized chaotic and disorganized offices and records. In the book, you’ll learn about simple organization systems and possibly discover your own organizational style. This is helpful for scanning clerks who want to learn new ways to organize the files they are scanning.