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Administrative Aide Duties and Responsibilities

Much of an administrative aide’s responsibilities will depend on the size of the office and the company’s industry. However, based on listings we analyzed, these duties are usually assigned to administrative aides:

Answer Correspondence Many people’s first interaction with a company comes through a phone call, by mail, or through an email.The administrative aide fields all inquiries, comments, and other correspondence in a professional manner, and passes on important information to the appropriate party. Administrative aides also often serve as a liaison between different staff members or departments in a company.

Manage Schedules

Administrative aides are often involved in many aspects of company planning and general coordination. They must keep meticulous notes in order to accurately update event calendars and manage the daily schedules of their superiors. Administrative aides are also responsible for booking and managing staff meetings and appointments, which requires high attention to detail since executives are often very busy.

Write and Edit Assignments

Many managers delegate writing assignments to administrative aides. These can range from simple memos or newsletters to more extensive reports and research-heavy papers. Some administrative aides also conduct intensive research to help flesh out a presentation or a publication that’s ready for printing.

Maintain Records An administrative aide usually handles a company’s detailed record systems. This can include databases and spreadsheets with correspondence, internal documents, or general company files. Administrative aides may also record and file company expenditures and receipts while making sure everything is accounted for. At a larger company, an administrative aide might be responsible for an entire storeroom or corporate library of information.


Administrative Aide Skills and Qualifications

While some higher-level administrative aide positions require previous experience, many companies are willing to train a prospective hire. The following skills are essential to getting the job done:

  • Typing – the bulk of an administrative aide’s day is spent working in front of the computer. They must be fast and accurate typists to quickly craft emails, notes, memos, and other documents
  • English language proficiency – administrative aides are sometimes asked to review and revise written material, making good English grammar and writing skills a must
  • Computer skills – administrative aides must be comfortable with a Windows or Mac computer system and the associated programs, depending on what the company uses
  • Communication skills – much of an administrative aide’s daily work involves corresponding either over the phone or in person with a colleague or visitor, so a confident tone of voice is essential on the job
  • Organization skills – working in an office requires a high degree of organization. Administrative aides are usually responsible for a wide array of work and must keep track of paperwork, documents, and other important information
  • Multitasking – an administrative aide must prioritize the many assignments they receive through the day, many of which must be handled simultaneously

Administrative Aide Education and Training

Most organizations looking for an administrative aide require at least a high school diploma or GED. Some companies ask for university coursework in a field like accounting or business, as well as some past office experience. Administrative aides usually receive on-the-job training that introduces them to company programs and operating procedures. They also learn how to use in-office equipment like copy machines, phones, and scheduling tools. Administrative aides in the legal or medical fields are asked to learn terminology and jargon relevant to the industry.


Administrative Aide Salary and Outlook

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) lists the national median annual salary for secretary and administrative assistants as $37,230, with a median hourly wage of $17.90. Administrative aides in the highest 10th percentile earn more than $62,230 a year. The BLS says there are at least 3.9 million secretary and administrative assistants employed in the United States, and the sector is projected to decline by 5 percent through 2026.


Helpful Resources

We searched the web for the best industry resources to help you continue exploring a career as an administrative aide. Here are more ways to learn whether becoming one is right for you:

American Society of Administrative Professionals – this organization helps administrative staff thrive in the workplace by offering a variety of live and online training and other resources

Administrative Assistant and Secretary’s Handbook – authors James Stroman, Kevin Wilson, and Jennifer Wauson give practical instruction in critical areas like Microsoft Office, business math, and schedule management

The Administrative Assistant: Starring in a Supporting Role – written by Brenda Bailey-Hughes, this book is a crash course in the soft communication and management skills used in the office

“Best Qualities for an Administrative Assistant” – get the scoop on what makes a great administrative assistant from an experienced coaching and recruiting professional