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Database Manager Duties and Responsibilities

Database Managers must complete several tasks in order to meet the demands of their position. After examining several job listings for Database Managers, we have the found the following to be the most commonly listed duties and responsibilities.

Develop and Upgrade Databases Database Managers are primarily responsible for creating new databases or upgrading existing databases for large or small companies. They perform maintenance on databases, check data accessibility and troubleshoot problems with new systems as needed.

Install Security Software It is up to Database Managers to ensure that a company’s data is protected from hackers and any breaches. They assess different types of security programs and choose which ones best suit the needs of the particular database they are overseeing.

Evaluate Company Needs A Database Manager meet with analysts, company managers and other personnel to determine specific database needs. They upgrade and update databases to meet the continual needs of their employer.

Create Disaster Recovery Plans In the event of an emergency, companies typically have disaster recovery plans to store and retrieve data. It falls to Database Managers to develop these kinds of emergency data access plans and to test them to ensure they are reliable and efficient.


Database Manager Skills

Successful Database managers possess highly refined analytical, problem solving and organizational skills. Detail-oriented, logical thinkers who understand project scheduling, time management and leadership concepts can excel in this position. Basic verbal and written communication and technical skills are essential for Database Managers. In addition to these qualities, it is important that Database Managers possess the following abilities:

  • Assessing data storage and access needs.
  • Creating and maintaining databases.
  • Upgrading database systems and software as needed.
  • Developing emergency data storage and retrieval plans.
  • Managing data backup operations.

Database Manager Education and Training

As seen in many job listings for this occupation, candidates for Database Manager positions should hold a bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer analytics or management information systems. Some large companies might prefer a candidate who holds a master’s degree in any of these areas. Professional certifications, such as Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) or Oracle MySQL, are typically not required but can in some cases be helpful for employment or advancement in the field.


Database Manager Salary

According to the most recent statistics published by the BLS, Database Managers are paid a median annual salary of $84,950. Those in the bottom ten percentile earn $47,300, while top earners can make a yearly wage of $129,930. Those working in the northeast part of the U.S. are among the highest paid in this occupation. The top three states for Database Manager annual mean salaries are New Jersey ($107,340), District of Columbia ($101,380) and Virginia ($96,170).


Database Manager Resources

Find out more about what it is like to work as a Database Manager from the resources below. These links to professional association, books and other resources will reveal more details about this occupation and help you decide if this is a career for you.

Association for Information Science and Technology (asis&t) – A professional organization providing Database Managers and other IT professionals with webinars, conferences, summits, networking opportunities and more.

The Data Management Association (DAMA) International – Since 1980, DAMA International has been supplying Database Managers with networking and training opportunities.

Effective Database Management Blog – From database development and maintenance strategies to technological improvements in database management, this blog covers many topics of interest to existing and aspiring Database Managers.

Database Trends and Applications – An extensive online publication for Database Managers and other professionals, covering up-to-date details about data management and practices. Also it connects users with webinars and white papers to keep them informed and learning the most recent developments and practices in the field.

Database Journal – Offering articles about database management best practices and tips, a networking forum and information about

database development, this online magazine helps Database Managers keep updated on most recent developments and news.

Concepts of Database Management 8th Edition by Philip J. Pratt and Mary Z. Last – Through examples and real-world scenarios, the authors of this book show you details about data warehousing, information systems and storage procedures.

DBA Survivor: Become a Rock Star DBA by Thomas LaRock – Using humor and real-life examples, this book explores what it takes to be a successful Database Manager or administrator. Learn the traits and practices of those who have succeeded in this field.