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Solution Architect Duties and Responsibilities

In the information technology field, solution architects typically work as part of a solution development team. We analyzed recent job postings to compile the following list of core responsibilities of a solution architect:

Gather Functional Requirements One of the first duties of the solution architect during the project development lifecycle is to gather requirements and specifications from clients and users. This aspect of the role may require working closely with sales team members and enterprise architects to gain a complete sense of client expectations and limitations before undertaking a major development project. As part of this process, the solution architect may examine existing systems and programs to identify areas for improvement and integration.

Develop Specifications Before developers can begin work on a project, a solution architect uses their familiarity with functional requirements and existing systems to develop project specifications. They may develop schedules and test plans, prepare documentation based on analyst reports, and assemble documents presenting project guidelines and milestones to team members. At the same time, solution architects may identify potential issues between systems and client specifications and propose new solutions to work around these limitations.

Determine Project Scope A solution architect is also responsible for determining a project’s scope before developers begin any major work. They may conduct extra research on a client’s existing systems and configurations to determine whether added time and work is necessary to align the project with enterprise-level systems. They also identify areas where implementation may require more solutions to be successful. Throughout this process, the solution architect communicates directly with enterprise architects, developers, and clients.

Lead Development Teams Throughout the development lifecycle, a solution architect directs and oversees the activities of a team of developers, answering questions or helping to resolve issues as they arise. This aspect of the role requires the solution architect to ensure that specifications and requirements are clearly articulated to their development teams. They monitor timelines and progress to ensure that team members are adhering to these specifications. The solution architect may also serve as a liaison between client-facing personnel and developers.

Interface Directly with Clients From the initial conversations to determine project scope and specifications to the final presentation of software solutions, a solution architect meets directly with clients to provide feedback and updates on development projects. They may prepare reports and presentations, as well as demonstrations, to keep the client informed about issues that arise during development and report on integration and deployment. They may also receive updated specifications and requirements from clients throughout the development lifecycle.

Manage External Vendors For many projects, solution architects work with outside vendors to develop and implement specific aspects of the software solution. This aspect of the role may require the solution architect to consider costs and timelines and ensure that vendors meet deadlines for deliverables and project elements. They may review proposals and estimates from these vendors and determine whether they fit into existing budgetary and time restrictions and ensure that external solutions work with internal development projects.


Solution Architect Education and Training

Solution architects need at least a bachelor’s degree in a related field such as computer science. Additionally, they should have significant experience in the IT field. Many solution architects start out as developers before becoming development leads and then advance based on successful completion of projects and solutions.


Solution Architect Salary and Outlook

While the Bureau of Labor Statistics does not provide specific salary estimates for solution architects, both Glassdoor and PayScale provide similar estimates. Glassdoor estimates that solution architects earn an average annual salary of $116,171 per year, while PayScale estimates annual earnings of $115,231.


Helpful Resources

If you’re interested in learning more about a career as a solution architect, check out the following websites, books, and resources:

“From Developer to Solution Architect: Essential Skills for Climbing the IT Professional Ladder” – Read about how to successfully move from a software developer role to a career in solution architecture in this blog article offered by SAP.

Agile Data Warehousing for the Enterprise: A Guide for Solution Architects and Project Leaders – Find out more about best practices in data management, a major topic of interest for solution architects, with this book by Ralph Hughes.

“Anatomy of a Software Development Role: Solution Architect” – This blog post presents a more extensive look at the solution architect’s role, exploring responsibilities, duties, and qualifications.

Architecting the Industrial Internet: The Architect’s Guide to Designing Industrial Internet Solutions – In this book by Shyam Nath,? Robert Stackowiak,? and Carla Romano, read about the solution architect role in developing projects for the emerging “Internet of Things” field.