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Autism Teacher Resume Samples
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0-5 years of experience
Co-created a demonstration site for the education of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
- Designed and implemented developmentally appropriate curriculum for the students with a wide range of ASD
- Facilitated district-wide staff development trainings about supporting students with ASD in the classroom
- Collaborated with the building Autism Team, providing comprehensive training about the inclusion of students with ASD to all building teachers, support staff and administration
- Assisted with hiring, training and supervising classroom paraprofessionals
- Awarded Those Who Excel: Teacher of the Year for [company name], 2003-2004
0-5 years of experience
Applied researched based interventions and teaching methods aligned with TEACCH, PECS, ABA principles and Discrete Trials to improve student success academically, socially, and behaviorally.
- Communicated with parents daily; back and forth journal, weekly folder, phone calls, emails and text messaging
- Directed developmentally appropriate activities, including weekly lesson plans in the areas of all core areas, life skills, speech (receptive and expressive), and sensory for children grades K-5
- Formally assessed students abilities with ABLLS-R, Woodcock-Johnson, Dynamic Learning Maps Alternative Assessment, PROGRESS and Co-Alt
- Developed IEPs, FBAs, and BIPs in congruence with the School Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Language Pathologist, and Administrators to create appropriate goals, objectives, and accommodations for students to be successful
- Collected formal and informal data to track student success
- Worked collaboratively with and managed paraprofessionals
0-5 years of experience
Taught 13 children diagnosed with autism in a nine week summer program
- Supervised each students’ one-to-one paraprofessional
- Developed lessons and art activities around the theme “Animals”
- Analyzed data and wrote student progress reports
- Conducted parent teacher meetings
- Implemented ABA strategies to teach tacts, visual performance, echoic, intraverbals, and receptive skills during direct teaching sessions
- Administered preference assessments and collected language samples
0-5 years of experience
Taught the “Unique Curriculum” at differentiated levels for primary autism, grades 1 to 4. Incorporated the common core standards in the areas of language arts, math, social studies, and science.
- Devised weekly classroom schedules and responsibilities for students and para-professionals.
- Managed and trained two classroom para-professionals in administrative duties, student teaching skills, and classroom responsibilities.
- Attended Individual Education Program (IEP) meetings, wrote electronic IEPs, and helped determine appropriate placement and support for the children.
- Devised and administered individual Special Needs performance tests. Assessed student tests, including the IAA.
- Partook in the Arts Enhancement Program for special education students conducted by Southern Illinois University.
- Implemented the use of Dynavox augmentative communication devices and Boardmaker Studio picture enhancement program.
- Incorporated the “CHAMPS” classroom behavior management technique.
0-5 years of experience
Extended School Year Program: Kindergarten
- Provided instruction to 1 student with Autism Spectrum Disorder through Discrete Trial Traning
- Implemented programs consistent with the students Individualized Education Plan
- Developed a token reinforcement system to target maladaptive behaviors
- Taught, modeled, and reinforced adaptive daily living skills including toileting, hand washing, and tooth brushing
0-5 years of experience
Kindergarten through Fourth grade
- Successfully wrote and implemented Individualized Education Plans (IEPS)
- Created and delivered lesson plans for all classes and subjects
- Effectively enforced classroom management
- Conducted classes focused on academics, social skills, and life skills associated with children with Autism
0-5 years of experience
Case managed 8 students with Autism grades K-6.
- Wrote Individualized Education Plans and Evaluation Reports to District and State guidelines.
- Developed and maintained a classroom and program schedule.
- Worked closely with other teachers, educational assistants, and parents.
0-5 years of experience
- Teach a self-contained Enhanced Autism ABA Program (K-2 Autism Spectrum Disorders, Intellectual Disabilities, Emotional Disabilities)
- Modified and adapted the general education curriculum to make it accessible to individual student needs
- Designed, maintained, and implemented individualized positive behavior systems, FBAs, BIPs, and IEPs based on data collection
- Became model program in the county (2013-2014) in which FCPS teachers would observe ABA techniques, classroom management, behavior programs, staff management, and classroom setup
- Managed and trained support staff in applied behavior analysis, curriculum, behavior systems, and individualized educational plans
- Collaborated with general education teachers, enhanced autism teachers in the county, BCBA coaches and administration to ensure students are receiving the proper services and education
0-5 years of experience
- Educated students with autism and autistic characteristics.
- Responsible for developing and implementing individualized education plans (IEP’s).
- Prepared lesson plans toward student goals and objectives.
- Scheduled staff/parent meetings regarding students.
- Supervised and coordinated daily activities and duties of teacher aides.
- Selected as Lead Teacher for Special Education Department for the 2004-2005 school year.
- Organized and developed teaching materials as well as alternative assessment and evaluation tools for the special education department.
0-5 years of experience
Implemented instructional, therapeutic, and student skill development programs on a one-on-one basis. Developed and instructed extended day Math program.
- Responsible for assisting students during inclusion lessons.
- Created extended day lessons that progressed students’ mathematical knowledge and application.
- Adapted instruction to reflect students’ Individual Educational Plans.
- Recognized by student’s speech teacher and social worker for having a positive impact on student’s development.
0-5 years of experience
Implemented instructional, therapeutic, and student skill development programs on a one-on-one basis.
Developed and instructed extended day Math program.
- Responsible for assisting students during inclusion lessons.
- Created extended day lessons that progressed students’ mathematical knowledge and application.
- Adapted instruction to reflect students’ Individual Educational Plans.
- Recognized by student’s speech teacher and social worker for having a positive impact on student’s
0-5 years of experience
Designed and implemented curriculum-based lesson plans for all subject areas, grades 2-6
- Prepared IEP’s and conducted meetings
- Evaluated student progress based on assessments and observations
- Conducted parent/teacher conferences
- Collaborated with service providers and general educators to share ideas, solve problems, and increase inclusion opportunities
- Responsible for training and managing paraeducators
- Plan and teach daily social skills lessons
0-5 years of experience
Head teacher of a self-contained Autism classroom for students that were three and four years old.
- Wrote and monitored Individualized Education Plans, using Excent Program
- Wrote daily lesson plans in the areas of General Knowledge, Social and Emotional Skills, Self Help Skills, Readiness Skills, and Math Skills
- Conducted large, small, and one on one groups for students IEP goals, and other goals.
- Fostered a classroom environment conducive to learning and promoting excellent student/teacher interaction.
- Wrote progress reports, teacher/ parent communication letters
- Participated in faculty and parent conferences
- Cooperating Teacher for Students at Francis Marion University (2009-2010, 2010-2011)
0-5 years of experience
Worked with students with autism and other severe disabilities.
- Provided intervention to students with significant behavioral and social deficits using ABA methodology.
- Implemented behavior plans and collected daily data on behavior interventions.
- Developed, revised and implemented IEPs and progress reports.
- Provided none-verbal students functional language skills through PECS and other forms of assistive technology.
0-5 years of experience
Public Education setting in self-contained classroom
- Teacher to students by instruction and guidance whom were enrolled in various academic courses, using and modifying the general curriculum.
- Served as a case manager for students with disabilities to ensure implementation of exceptional education and related services.
- Scheduled and prepared IEP meetings on an annual or as needed basis.
- Developed individualized educational plans.
- Collected documentation and analyzed student’s current progress.
- Administered tests and conducted evaluations of grading as per student’s individual plan.
- Utilized ABA style of teaching for those on the Autism spectrum.
0-5 years of experience
Design and Implement a program to serve students with severe autism spectrum disorder and communication delays for the county co-op.
- Responsible for daily lesson plans, instruction and behavior management for multiple grades, ages and abilities of students significantly impacted by autism and communication delays.
- Locate, modify and create curriculum materials to facilitate all learners through a highly visual and hands-on, direct-instruction model.
- Collaborate and share information with general education students and classrooms to foster acceptance and create inclusive opportunities across grade levels and periods.
- Supervise, educate and train paraprofessionals to assist in various program aspects and to support the students enrolled in the program, both in the classroom and during inclusion times.
- Establish and maintain healthy, supportive and professional collaboration and relationships with students and their families to be able to clearly identify needs and concerns in the home that could impact school and to regularly communicate student progress, needs and concerns at school.
- Awarded the WHOI “One Class at a Time” Award in the fall of 2008.
0-5 years of experience
Wrote and implemented IEP’s according to individual student’s needs.
- Performed ABA trials and collected and recorded data for progress monitoring.
- Held IEP meetings with parents to discuss assessments, progress, and address concerns.
- Became proficient with the on-line data recording system: Teaching Strategies GOLD.
- Became proficient with the IEP writing program, Encore.
0-5 years of experience
Provide services to children with autism using Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to replace undesirable behaviors with more desirable behaviors. Collaboration with therapist, supervisors, and parents to coordinate care, services and education.
- Enhanced knowledge and practical expertise while supporting individuals with disabilities in daily functions and activities.
- Instrumental in clients improving gross motor skills, independence and replacement of undesirable behaviors with desirable one through utilization of ABA.
- Cultivated rapport and relationships with clients, client families, and caregivers.
- Collaboration with therapist, supervisors, and parents to coordinate care, services and education.
- Engaged in client-focused supportive efforts with therapists.
0-5 years of experience
Provide assistance and support to students with Autism.
- Help students with daily activities.
- Document student behavior on behavioral charts.
- Create positive learning environment for students.
- Demonstrated positive learning and encouraged critical thinking for 23 students.
- Provided quality instruction, including hands on learning activities.
- Planned and taught a unit on pumpkins.
- Participated in parent/teacher conferences and class field trips.
6-10 years of experience
Created curriculum, utilizing STARS/FACTER, Faces, implementing CBI, CBVI, Special Olympics and following IEP’s.
- Created and administered TAKS ALT
- Follow Kindergarten Curriculum with special needs modifications (music, touch screen computer, P.E., art, etc.)
- Attend/Participate in ARD’s
- Trained on walker, wheel chair, gait trainer, stander, cushion seat for posture, etc.
- Assist in Focus/Behavior as needed
0-5 years of experience
Responsible for writing, updating and maintaining students Individualized Education Plans
- Maintained data collection
- Completed lesson plans focused around students’ IEP’s
- Gave Individualized instruction
- Coordinated Least Restrictive Environment schedules for students
- Wrote and implemented Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans
- Wrote grants to supply classroom materials
- Created and organized a parent support group
- Prepared curriculum to meet students individual needs
- Educated general education teachers on inclusive practices
- Trained and supervised classroom assistants
0-5 years of experience
- Opened the new Intellectual Disabilities program at an elementary school in 2010-2011 school year.
- Grew ID program from one classroom with five students, to two classrooms with combined enrollment of 10 to 12.
- Presented at the annual Special Education Conference.
- Participated in and presented at the annual Teacher Researcher Conference.
6-10 years of experience
Increases receptive and expressive language skills by using a variety of techniques to enable students to communicate within his/her environment.
- Establishes special education goals by applying state and school system requirements.
- Makes purposeful and appropriate lesson plans that provide for effective teaching strategies and maximize time on task.
- Plans and implements programs of study designed to meet the individual needs of students
- Provides appropriate diagnostic testing, identifies student capabilities and monitors student progress on a regular basis.
- Develops strategies for maintaining a classroom environment conducive to effective learning and utilizes effective teaching methods.
- Employs a variety of instructional techniques appropriate to the maturity, interests, and needs of the students.
0-5 years of experience
Created a fun classroom environment was favorable to learning as well as comfortable for the children in there learning zones
- Received development and interests from my students
- Provided directions and materials for my students and teachers
- Cooperated with employees and support workers in assessing and helping students with physical conditions, attitude, learning and behavioral problems
0-5 years of experience
- Management of individualized education plans and implementation of IEP goals and objectives.
- Trained in the use of Applied Behavior Analysis, Functional Behavior Assessment, Motivation Assessment Scales, Verbal Behavior, and ABLLS.
- Trained and experienced with the use of reinforcement systems and Picture Exchange Communication System. PECS was created and developed at the Brennen School.
- Trained and experienced with the use of direct instruction programs such as Reading Mastery, and Connecting Math.
- Trained and experienced in adapting and modifying a general education curriculum for special education students as well as data collection.
0-5 years of experience
Facilitate development of appropriate IEP goals, objectives, curriculum, and data collection systems.
- Develop and implement a classroom organizational plan for students and staff.
- Collaborate with related service providers and general educators.
- Develop systems for supervision and oversight of activities of paraprofessionals within the classroom, including communication strategies (i.e., PECS, gestures, voice output), sensory needs, and systematic prompting (i.e., verbal and physical cues).
- Collaborate with related service providers (i.e., Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist, Behavior Interventionist, Vocational Rehabilitation Program, and FSCJ Dual Enrollment Program).
- Implement and manage all fundraising activities including annual giving, school campaigns, special projects, and other school-related solicitations.
- Coordinate special events, including cultivation of sponsorships, introducing new concepts and opportunities, or other activities that the school may hold in order to gain public attention.
0-5 years of experience
Grades 2nd-5th 05/2015 SLC Autism Classroom
- Develop differentiated instruction within lessons and task activities
- Developed IEP goals, BIP’s, and ARD preparation
- Performed ABA therapy and data collection (behavior and academic)
- Administer of STAAR-ALT assessment
0-5 years of experience
Provides quality care to children in a health, safe and nurturing environment under general supervision.
- Ensures that the child develops the skills of exploring, creating as well as develops critical thinking and problem solving skills.
- Responsible for providing inclusion services to children with autism and other special needs.
- Studies and implements naturalistic intervention strategies to assist children that need special care.
- Teach children to interact with peers and develops communication and social skills.
- Coordinates with staff, teachers and parents when required.
- Ensures that the organization meets and exceed governing rules and regulations.
- Conducts assessment on the learning styles and techniques of students and provides instructional materials.
0-5 years of experience
Develop and implemented daily individual lessons for eight students with Autism and Emotional/Behavioral Disorders.
- SCM Trained in order to ensure student and staff safety.
- Familiar with varying types of curriculum in order to facilitate the higher of academic standards (SRA Reading, Every Day Math, SRA Math, Handwriting without Tears, etc.)
- Collaboration with a variety of individuals regarding the well-being and mental health of all students (CYS, BSC, TSS, classroom aides, teachers, parents, social and case workers, probation officers, etc.)
0-5 years of experience
Ensure students are exhibit growth and enthusiasm in classroom environment
- Assist Autistic students with various development and physical disabilities
- Develop love for learning in students
- Assess student progress in various areas and discuss with teacher
- Support classroom teacher with organizing various activities for students
- Utilize 21st century learning practices in classroom
0-5 years of experience
Teach Spanish, Math, Science, English, Sensory skills, and Social skills to autism students.
- Prepare, adapt and deliver instructional material.
- Design appropriate instruction to meet the specific needs of the students to maximize their learning potential.
- Develop individual lessons plans and daily class work.
- Create and review the IEP (Individual Educational Plan)
- Work with Alternative Assessment
- Maintain student records and prepare reports relative to their performance.
- Interact directly with parents, students, coworkers, administration and the school community.
6-10 years of experience
Document students achievements
- In-depth knowledge of student educational programs and behavior management guidelines
- Assisting senior consultant in assessment of children having autism
- Excellent organizational, management with good communication skills
- Extensive knowledge of implement the principles of applied behavior analysis posses strong desire to work with children and young adults
- Ability to study and analyze the behavior of the child
- Worked with students who participated in Special Olympics hosted at the University of Richmond
- Providing expert autism advice to families and designing treatment plan for every patient individually
- Using resources from the community and contributing in the development of the children who have been diagnosed as autistic
- Planned a special teaching techniques for the children who are severely affected by the disorder
0-5 years of experience
- Provide instruction to 6 students with autism (ages 11-14) based on the principles of applied behavior analysis and community based instruction.
- Develop and implement individualized education programs based on the New Jersey Core Curriculum standards as well as daily living activities, learning readiness, leisure skills, and socialization.
- Conduct functional behavior assessments and develop individual behavior management plans.
- Delegate responsibilities of data collection and management of data books to teaching assistants appropriately.
0-5 years of experience
Develop and Implement Admission Review and Dismissal plans
- Teach students self-discipline and behavior coping skills
- Develop and implement behavior intervention and transition plans as needed.
- Teach academics for all subject areas
- Supervise paraprofessionals in classroom
0-5 years of experience
- Create and maintain legal documents, IEPs, Progress Reports, Assessments
- Supervise up to 7 assistants
- Create and maintain a professional relationship with families and management
- Conduct Home Visits
- Train staff and families on student’s protocols
- Give constructive feedback to assistants
- Collaborate with OT, Speech, families, administration, and school system
0-5 years of experience
I was the classroom teacher to seven autistic children.
- My responsibilities consisted of teaching these children all of the major subject areas; supervising them learning their daily routine and helping them build whatever motor learning functions they currently possessed.
- I worked as an Art Teacher for grades K-5.
- I was responsible for creating lesson plans and teaching the children Art and art history.
0-5 years of experience
Assist teacher in implementing each child’s IEP goals and objectives.
- Conduct learning exercises with small groups of students.
- Assist in planning and preparing the learning environment, setting up centers, and preparing needed materials and supplies.
- Guide students in developing positive relationships with peers and adults.
- Participate in discipline procedures and prescribe consequences for student behavior under teacher supervision.
0-5 years of experience
- Designed and implemented individualized behavior interventions
- Improved reading and mathematics through the use of latest technology
- Designed and implemented individualized academic interventions
- Used Adobe Illustrator to create individualized engaging instructional materials
- Successfully wrote and procured a grant to create a sensory motor lab
- Presented an in-service on Positive Behavior Supports to all staff
- Mentor to pre-service Special Education teachers and a teacher hired mid-year
- Supervisor to teaching assistants and volunteers within the autism unit
- Served as a member of the Positive Behavior Supports committee
6-10 years of experience
Development and implementation of IEP goals for children with a wide variety of special needs such as Downs Syndrome, Autism, and Aperts Syndrome, Speech and Language deficits, and physical deficiencies.
- Working with families of special needs students to provide strategies and support.
- Preparation of legal documentation of special needs students services (Individualized Education Program).
- Within the Autism classroom, focusing on data collection based on principals of ABA therapy and trainings to complete such work.
- Developing curriculum for each student based on their strengths and needs, following in line with state standards of learning.
- Collaboration with a variety of specialists and teachers to best support the complex needs of the students and families.
- Developing curriculum with a team to ensure children are following in line with state standards that indicate what our children need to learn prior to their transition to Kindergarten.
- Applied Behavioral Analysis Training and implementation.
- Proficiency in the following assessments of children; ABBLLS, Pre-K Pals, Brigance, and Battle Developmental Inventory.
0-5 years of experience
Worked in an all autism middle school.
- Taught language, math, handwriting, typing, and leisure skills while using ABA strategies.
- Worked on habilitation goals with various students at the school, such as speech, communication, and socialization activities.
- Worked as a Respite provider with various students throughout the middle school.
0-5 years of experience
Watch over kids safety
- Help students achieve in the classroom
- Assist with behavior management skills
- Physical and Psychological Management Certified (P.M.T Trained)