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School Social Worker Resume Samples
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10+ years of experience
Developed curriculum and facilitated Life Skills program for at risk students.
- Provided referral linkage to school-based support services and community resources.
- Functioned as part of a team of administration, faculty and support service personnel to encourage student’s academic success.
- Maintained a working relationship with student on case load.
- Conducted home visits for students experiencing personal, family or school-related difficulties.
- Coordinated and facilitated Anger Management support groups.
0-5 years of experience
Provided crisis intervention, individual and group counseling for at risk youth and families.
- Conducted Functional Behavior Assessments. Developed and implemented Behavior Intervention Plans.
- Team Leader for School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention Support Program (SWPBIS)
- Response to Intervention (RtI) and Student Assistance Team (SAT) Chairperson.
- Prepared court reports for truancy, child abuse and neglect cases and testified in Juvenile, Municipal and Criminal Court as needed. Followed all local, state and federal compliance laws.
- Recommended and referred students and families to community based agencies.
- Coordinated and monitored treatment recommendations and services.
0-5 years of experience
Conducted social assessments for preschoolers to determine eligibility for special education.
- Provided social work services to meet students’ IEP goals.
- Facilitated weekly social/emotional learning activities in classrooms.
- Supported school as a member of intervention team.
0-5 years of experience
- Provided direct service and evaluation for students in special education with various disabilities.
- Developed and performed necessary services in accordance with IEP’s and consulted with classroom teachers to measure progress of students in relation to identified goals.
- Member of building Universal, Secondary and Tertiary teams developing Response to Intervention systems to make data based decisions for both academics and behavior.
- Facilitated Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Wrap around teams.
- Co-Chair of Safety/Wellness Committee.
- Supervised two M.S.W. student interns.
6-10 years of experience
- Assessed and evaluated all referred students and made plans to implement any needed services
- Provided direct and indirect psychosocial care to students referred to the social work office
- Implemented programs for the school in order to meet social and emotional needs of the student population through community collaborations.
- Provided individual and group counseling
- Coordinated services for students and families in the school community
- Managed crisis interventions involving student population
0-5 years of experience
Provided weekly and monthly individual sessions to students.
- Collaborated with teachers and community agencies to provide exceptional
- Participated in weekly Student Intervention Team meetings.
- Implemented and conducted various social-emotional groups to students.
- Facilitated weekly meetings with special education teachers and support teachers.
6-10 years of experience
Developed and implemented treatment plans (IEPs) and provided case management and advocacy for elementary and junior high clients in a self-contained, emotional disability public day school program as well as in public elementary and middle school settings
- Led weekly groups to address a variety of client needs
- Worked with family systems to support client growth and development
- Led county-wide social work department providing on-going professional development and being a liaison and advocate to administration regarding department and individual social worker needs
- Provided district-wide leadership for 13 elementary schools for on-going professional development and best practices delivery including implementation of district-wide social-emotional skills program as well as data collection and evaluation on a yearly basis
- Participated in county-wide crisis team
- Provided clinical supervision and mentored interns in their professional growth in the field of social work
- Collaborated with area social service agencies, hospitals, therapists, and private day schools to support and service family and client needs to maintain a continuum of care for clients
- Maintained professional documentation based on system requirements and needs
0-5 years of experience
Educational Services Commission of Morris County
- Case Manager for 15 different private and parochial schools in Northern NJ
- Conducted Initial, Eligibility and Annual meetings for classified students
- Designed and Led onsite Social Skills Groups
0-5 years of experience
Provided on-going communication with the parents to collaborate on their child’s needs
- Taught appropriate social skills to children with autism
- Collaborated with professional staff on an on-going basis
- Provided parents with training opportunities, local resources, and opportunities to be involved in the school
- Co-led the Transition Conference Committee to educate parents and provide access to various resources
6-10 years of experience
Create behavior plans with students in order to increase pro-social behavior and positive peer relations.
- Work as a team with teachers and administrators in support of student needs.
- Assist students and their families in finding community resources and support.
- Lead student groups for improving attendance, parenting, anger management, healthy relationships, goal setting and problem solving.
- Gather information regarding family history and student behavior from parents and teachers for special education assessments.
- Meet with students on a regular basis to assess school behavior and discuss strategies to improve behavior.
0-5 years of experience
Data collection and the completion of Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans
- Support identified at-risk students to access and benefit from the general education curriculum through specialized instruction and related services (pre-referral intervention strategies)
- Guide and counsel groups and individual students through the development of social-emotional, educational plans using a variety of treatment modalities (cognitive behavior therapy, sandtray therapy, bibliotherapy, behavior intervention).
- MTSS Tier 1, 2 and 3 Behavioral Intervention Supports
- PBIS Implementation
- Parent Support and community relations
0-5 years of experience
Provided individual, group and family counseling to adolescents.
- Provided crisis oriented and referral services as needed.
- Provided counseling services to newly arrived Spanish speaking children who were having difficulty transitioning to a new school setting.
- Assisted the HIV Prevention Initiative Coordinator in the identification and recruitment of prospective peer educators.
- Prepared and co-facilitated workshops in the areas of HIV primary prevention and other relevant topic areas.
- Provided preventative case management functions as needed.
- Performed other programmatic/administrative duties as assigned.
6-10 years of experience
Provide individual and group counseling to students grades 9th – 12th.
- Facilitate peer mediation between individual students and groups.
- Created goals in regards to youth’s IEP and document progress, referrals and recommendations.
- Participated on multi-disciplinary team for behavioral interventions with youth and special education assessments.
- Meet with parents/caretakers to assess their child’s progress in school.
- Educate and empower students to access necessary resources.
- Network and facilitate with internal and external resources to provide services to students.
0-5 years of experience
- Assigned four schools to monitor student weekly attendance and student social/family needs.
- Abided by the State Compulsory School Attendance Law and sent parents/children to Early Warning Court if there was an attendance problem with the student.
- Conducted school/home visits and provided counseling/interventions to strengthen the relationship between the student, parent and school.
- Monitored Superintendent Level Probation for students found guilty by a Hearing Panel and set goals and plans for improvement, monitored/assessed student progress.
- Conducted/monitored conferences with school personnel, administrators, parents and students.
0-5 years of experience
Member of the IEP teams for exceptional education high school students
- Mediated student/student, student/teacher, and teacher/parent disagreements
- Managed a caseload of students who require group and weekly counseling
- Provided various resources for additional assistance
6-10 years of experience
Provided therapeutic services to at-risk students as well as students with behavior disorders and learning disabilities for Middle School students
- Serve as lead staff and facilitate crisis intervention and trauma response services
- Conducted ASD and EI Evaluations
- Routinely in-serviced staff and parents
- Developed a variety of programs to challenge and motivate students, including Social Skills
0-5 years of experience
Held weekly one-on-one sessions with individual students (Special and Regular Ed.).
- Facilitated weekly anger management, conflict resolution and self-control group sessions.
- Assisted homeless students and their families obtain resources such as transportation, clothing and housing.
- Screened students for ADHD, Emotional Impairments and Autism.
- Assessed special and regular ed. students and created behavior intervention plans for them.
- Assisted schools in neighboring districts by conducting assessments and implementing behavior intervention plans.
- Effectively communicated with teachers and administration on a daily basis in order to give the best service to the student body.
- Mentored a group of 8th graders who had low motivation and poor Scantron test scores.
0-5 years of experience
Counseled IEP and non-IEP students on concerns with behavioral management, academic success, anger management, learning disabilities and relationship building with family, educational staff and peers.
- Worked within a social work disciplinary team to provide additional support to at-risk students facing academic and emotional challenges
- Provided support with crisis interventions, worked with de-escalating students and outreaching and coordinating care with social workers, case managers, ACS and parents on a case by case basis
- Assisted in any school functions and provided additional support needed throughout the school day
0-5 years of experience
Working with students and families to support students’ behavioral and academic success
- Setting ambitious goals for improvement for students and implementing whatever interventions are necessary to help students meet those goals
- Handling behavioral health crises that take place in the school
- Managing child abuse reporting for the school and communication with the Department of Human Services
- Serving as the school’s primary liaison with outside agencies and providers
- Serving students who are grieving the loss of a loved one; students who are pregnant or parenting; and homeless students
- Conducting home visits that support parents and families
- Coordinating the school student assistance program (SAP) and other school-wide student supports
- Conducting specialized individual and group counseling services to address specific emotional, social, and behavioral needs of students and improving their outcomes in the classroom
10+ years of experience
Complete Social Assessments as a component of the child study team evaluation process.
- Case manage students deemed eligible for special education and related services.
- Develop Individualized Education Programs (IEP’s) for students eligible for special education and related services.
- Provide counseling services for students as prescribed in their IEP.
- Collaborate with teachers to provide strategies for managing general education and special education students.
- Complete statistics and other data for the Department of Curriculum and Instruction.
0-5 years of experience
Provide services for K-12 including the high school emotional disability program and the cognitive disabilities program in both individual and group settings
- Active participant on the Response to Intervention problem-solving teams
- Provide crisis intervention as needed during the school day and referrals to outside agencies
- Conduct Functional Behavioral Assessments and develop Behavior Intervention Plans
- Participate in IEP meetings; develop IEP goals
- Assist in the development of the eligibility criteria for the emotional disability program
0-5 years of experience
Participate in the IEPT Process: Annual Reviews, Provide individual & Group therapy, & TST Monthly Meetings.
- Collaborate with Vista Maria Staff, DHS and the Juvenile Justice Workers on behalf of our students.
- Provide community resources to parents and caregivers.
- Participation in monthly Navigation Meetings with key school personnel to discuss, evaluate and change school procedure as it relate to our students and school.
- Also serves as the Homeless Liaison.
6-10 years of experience
Facilitate home and school interventions for approximately 60 students
- Participate in student intake/admission process
- Liaison with community agencies, including the Administration for Children Services
- Co-chair in two weekly Parent Education Programs
- Participate in Child Study Team meetings and Child Protection Committee meetings
- Perform home visits as needed
0-5 years of experience
Support instructional, non-instructional, and administrative personnel in the acquisition and maintenance of optimal learning outcomes for all students Pre-K through 12.
- Provides comprehensive social/emotional/behavioral assessments and interventions with children and their families requiring evaluations for MTSS services and/or exceptional student support services.
- Direct case management, consultation, and collaboration.
- Active participation with families in transition connecting them with necessary resources and services.
- Broad range of services provided to children and adolescents with mental health concerns and disabilities include: assistance with emergent mental health and/or substance abuse issues, linkage to community resources therapy, anger management, child behavior management, and domestic violence information/referrals for parents in need of services.
- Problem-solving and conflict resolution.
- Provide flexible services designed to address therapeutic and environmental issues in the family to stabilize crisis situations.
- Utilize intervention-orientated assessment tools such as the Vineland II Adaptive Behavior Scales and Scales of Independent Functioning-Revised that assist student study teams in determining the student’s need for specialized instruction.
0-5 years of experience
Provide individual & family therapy for children & adolescents with various learning disabilities in a residential school setting
- Conduct initial & ongoing assessments of student’s academic, behavioral, & emotional progress, student strengths, & treatment plan goals & objectives
- Prepare & maintain comprehensive documentation for each student & their progress whilst maintaining confidentiality for the student & their family as well as the school
- Participate in both the enrollment & discharge process & transition families & students accordingly
- Coordinate with a behavioral team to implement both proactive & reactive strategies & contracts for students
- Share on-call responsibilities
0-5 years of experience
Understand and follow all State of Michigan Special Education Laws
- Build working relationships with teachers, parents and students
- Work as a team with Behavior Interventionist to create documentation and procedure for behavior referral system
- Complete Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans
- Write goals and objectives for students IEP meetings
- Work with students in individual and group settings to improve social and emotional functioning within the school setting
- Elementary campus homeless liaison
0-5 years of experience
Assigned to elementary and high school
- Provide interdisciplinary consultation services to Educational Support Service team members, administrators and classroom teachers regarding student and family problems, concerns and other needs.
- Provide clinical services via individual and group counseling for youth in the educational setting
- Offer crisis counseling services and promote emotional health for students in the academic setting
- Assess student & family needs and link to appropriate community resource
- Assist teachers and other staff members in developing academic and social/emotional goals for Individualized Educational Plans (IEP) for students in need of special education services
0-5 years of experience
Provides social work counseling to students and parents
- participates in case conferences involving cooperation with other pupil personnel workers, school personnel and community agencies
- makes referral to public or private agencies with appropriate follow-up
- serves as a liaison between school family and community resources
- serves as a source of information regarding community resource
- maintains appropriate school records and provides written reports and communications
- Arrange cultural enrichment activities
0-5 years of experience
- Run groups under clinical supervision, including social work, therapeutic groups of up to 10 children ranging from 9 to 16 years old for IEP’s
- Participate in treatment team meetings including OT/Speech/Social Work discussing care for each child and behavioral issues
- Observed individual and group therapy sessions
- Familiar with Medicaid and submission of IEP minutes for reimbursement
0-5 years of experience
- Provides individual and/or group counseling to students ages 5 and up.
- Completes developmental evaluations as needed for exceptional student education services.
- Creates attendance and educational treatment plans.
- Maintains records and documentation in accordance with policies and regulations.