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Reference Librarian Resume Samples
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10+ years of experience
Part of a team of seven reference librarians charged with providing exceptional research services to an active and vibrant community library.
- Researched and answered approximately 700 reference questions per month in a busy “Top Ten” library.
- Placed in charge of a heavily used 5,000 item genealogical collection, including ordering new materials and conducting research.
- Successfully managed newly implemented school book bag program, with the number of teacher requests increasing regularly.
- Authored and kept current the first departmental procedures manual, making previously undocumented procedures much easier to accomplish.
- The Library Director and the Reference Department Head regularly singled me out to conduct needed research and to handle additional projects.
0-5 years of experience
Provided operational oversight for college’s extension center library (circulation and reference materials 1,000+)
- Guided non-traditional aged students in research and learning aptitude
- Advised 1-on-1 informational literacy to college community patrons
- Supervised 2 student workers who were charged with providing administrative and reference support
- Facilitated the move and transition of the extension center from an elementary school (PS3) to a technology office
0-5 years of experience
Provided reference, readers’ advisory, and technology assistance to patrons of all ages via multiple channels
- Selected materials and managed $20K+ budget for Reference, Young Adult Nonfiction and eResource (including database and eBook) collections
- Served as the member representative to the statewide eBook buying consortium, representing a small library’s concerns amongst primarily larger institutions
- Strategized and executed library’s online presence including website migration to WordPress and regular updating; also established a growing Facebook page with 829 “Likes” and 1,255 visits in two years
- Served as librarian-in-charge evening and weekend hours supervising 6+ paraprofessionals, addressing escalated patron concerns, and properly opening and securely closing the building
- Undertook numerous special projects beyond routine duties including community outreach at resource fairs, filming and editing promos for Anime and RPG Clubs, and serving on the Summer Reading Program, Banned Books Week, and Safety committees
- Created attractive and topical displays that averaged 20 checkouts/month
0-5 years of experience
Managed library’s daily operations including all student workers; provided instruction and research support for Chicago Campus plus 3 satellite locations.
- Conducted an average of 22 library instruction visits, reaching over 350 students in each 8-week session; subjects included business, English and humanities.
- Evaluated and helped select electronic databases, an integrated library system and a web-scale discovery tool as active member of several nationwide and corporation-wide task forces.
- Chaired committee to prepare librarians and current data for corporation-wide implementation of new ILS.
- Co-designed and developed program to circulate iPads through the library.
- Increased library usage and circulation by 5% annually through displays, news articles, pathfinders, advertisements and web updates as well as direct outreach to students, staff, faculty and department chairs.
- Honored for service above and beyond expectations as a recipient of campus’ Ron Taylor Award in fiscal years 2010 and 2011.
- Recommended titles for selection and de-accession in all subject areas; purchased selected items adhering to annual materials budget of $30,000.
- Supported campus initiatives such as persistence and continuous improvement as member of various committees.
0-5 years of experience
Provided reference assistance at branch library serving vibrant urban community of 2.2 million, located in the most ethnically diverse county in the United States.
- Reviewed and selected new books and other materials for collection development.
- Performed administrative functions including check-in and coding of new materials, order processing, and management of interlibrary loans.
- Generated and distributed variety of administrative reports.
- Managed ready-reference and reserve materials including pamphlets and selected serials.
- Developed, coordinated, and participated in Young Adult Public service programs.
0-5 years of experience
Trained patrons and staff on how to use e-readers, electronic databases, software, and library catalog
- Informed and trained, with a patient and a simplified approach, patrons on how to use e-readers, scanners, copiers, fax machines, electronic databases, software (MSWord, Excel, Power Point), library catalog
- Assisted library customers via in-person interaction, via phone call, via e-mail and text messaging with reference support
- Attended workshops, seminars, and the NJLA Conference to familiarize myself with library’s technology
- Created subject guides, pathfinders, and reader’s advisory for patrons
- Operated Millennium Integrated Library System (ILS)
0-5 years of experience
Conducted timely and cost-effective legal and corporate research utilizing a wide variety of databases and research tools.
- Performed SEC and transactional precedent research in support of Corporate Finance, M&A, Capital
- Compiled targeted, client-related information for the Business Development Team.
- Prepared private and public company dossiers utilizing a variety of company, industry, news, and financial databases.
- Promoted current awareness of research resources and provided training to attorneys as needed on a wide range of databases and bibliographic sources.
- Created alerts to monitor company, industry, and regulatory developments in various sectors and practice areas.
- Generated and customized legal and financial advisor league tables.
- Provided Spanish language support, including interpretation and translation for pro bono casework.
0-5 years of experience
Provided reference services from a central reference desk to students, faculty and other patrons.
- Served as liaison librarian to the Divisions of Natural Science and Education.
- Conducted bibliographic instruction and orientation classes; instructed students on how to access electronic databases, the Internet and the Voyager library catalog system.
- Assisted students and faculty in research and document retrieval.
- Participated in collection development of reference resources in the areas of natural science and education.
- Prepared handouts on bibliographic instruction, reference sources and bibliographies (both APA and MLA style.)
- Assisted at the circulation and reserve desk.
- Edited the library’s newsletter.
0-5 years of experience
Assisted students in online database usage including ebrary, Ebsco, Gale and others
- Addressed reference inquiries and performed circulation functions including materials checkout, book reserves and renewals
- Provided bibliographic instruction in APA and MLA formats
- Recommended library materials to patrons and referred them to various services, collections and outside resources
- Supervise library employee work schedules, payment and other functions
0-5 years of experience
Assisted with collection development, including review, acquisition, weeding and deleting, using book reviews, catalogs, and recommendations
- Provided reference assistance to patrons of all ages, using the catalog, databases, the internet, and classic reference materials
- Assisted patrons with all circulation services, including locating materials, accessing the Internet, placing books on reserve, and requesting inter-library loans
- Wrote book reviews for library webpage and developed displays
- Updated various vertical files
0-5 years of experience
Researched and presented legal information using Lexis and Westlaw database systems.
- Oriented new associate and experienced attorneys to the library’s materials and services as part of firm’s orientation program.
- Coached attorneys at all levels on the use of the library’s collection and external database sources.
- Arranged for customized training sessions on Lexis and Westlaw.
- Maintained the library’s collection of legal print materials by ordering and cataloging certain sections assigned.
- Answered self-service requests via library reference desk.
0-5 years of experience
Provided one-on-one reference services for a diverse patron base, using print and non-print resources
- Contributed to planning in a rapidly changing environment
- Created materials for library, including procedures, handouts, and flyers
- Delivered circulation services, using SirsiDynix Symphony integrated library system
6-10 years of experience
Responded to numerous questions posed by patrons
- Wrote and edited the Adult Services quarterly library newsletter
- Coordinated three to six programs per month, performed advertising through monthly program flyers and press releases distributed through community channels
- Conducted a bi-monthly Computer Basics course for patrons
- Purchased collection items and maintained the existing collection inventory through weeding methods
- Composed bibliographies for materials and wrote book reviews on a bi-monthly basis to suggest titles for reading
0-5 years of experience
Provided research and reference help to library patrons
- Instructed patrons on information literacy topics using electronic and print resources
- Took a leadership role in a collection-wide weeding and re-cataloging project
- Conceptualized, wrote, and designed a comprehensive History of the [company name] for distribution to community members and board members
- Provided technical support for PC and Mac computers, printers, audiovisual equipment, e-readers, and mobile devices
- Placed holds, checked books in and out, and managed interlibrary loan requests using Millennium
0-5 years of experience
Assisted patrons with research inquiries, digital resources, and other reference materials
- Provided group and individual instruction for computer technology and cloud computing
- Offered technical support for patrons and employees with computer software questions
- Created, maintained, and edited library websites, databases, and informational blogs
- Participated in programs, events, conferences, and training sponsored by the Library
- Provided quality customer service regarding the circulation of library resources
- Established and maintained digital account records within circulation databases
- Maintained cash drawers, processed credit transactions, and generated reports
0-5 years of experience
Provided virtual reference service to students in multiple schools via email, live chat and phone
- Coordinated resources for education, general studies and culinary programs
- Conducted virtual library classes to promote information literacy
- Developed instructional materials such as research guides and video tutorials
- Participated in departmental faculty meetings to promote library services
- Maintained records and statistics related to online library usage
- Audited and updated web links on library web site
- Evaluated and recommended resources to add to digital library holdings
6-10 years of experience
Explained and assisted in the use of reference sources, such as the online catalog and book and periodical indexes to locate information.
- Maintained local history index.
- Answered correspondence on special reference subjects.
- Advised other library personnel on materials and the appropriate selection for particular needs and uses.
0-5 years of experience
Provided readers advisory services to a wide range of ages and reading levels.
- Created promotional and informational materials for various adult and young adult programs.
- Created instructional materials for public computer use.
- Conducted weekly adult programming with regular attendance of 30 or more.
- Regularly instructed patrons in downloading e-books including troubleshooting problems.
- Developed poetry workshop for young adult patrons
- Supervised young adult patrons in afternoon and evening programs
0-5 years of experience
- Performed reference duties utilizing print and online reference sources.
- Instructed patrons in the use of the Internet, online catalog and databases, microfilm and microfiche reader-printers, and traditional reference sources, and assisted patrons in the use of personal computers in the Computer Center.
- Performed collection development for social sciences, technology, videocassettes, DVD’s, and music compact discs, and supervised replacement of audiobook cassettes.
- Conducted classes on searching the Internet.
- Maintained Career Development Center.
0-5 years of experience
- Recommended, selected and purchased new titles for the branch collection
- Located and selected the appropriate materials to answer a wide range of questions in person, by email, digital or phone reference and advisory services.
- Participated in the orientation and training of new staff and volunteers.
- Collaborated with community groups to plan and coordinate library programs and discussion groups.
- Determined the need for and coordinates the compilation of reading lists and annotated bibliographies.
6-10 years of experience
- Provided reference and information services utilizing a range of print resources, as well as electronic databases and the Web.
- Actively collaborated in management of print and electronic collections.
- Developed print and web-based promotional materials for library programs and conducted presentations, programs and library tours.
- Created and taught classes and workshops for patrons and staff, on a range of topics including OPAC instruction, emerging technologies and database searching.
- Played active role on various committees pertaining to development of emerging technologies.
- Served as charge person on a rotating basis, with responsibility for opening and closing procedures, handling difficulties with patrons, and assuring building security.
0-5 years of experience
Responsible for the oversight of the library print and electronic information services. Provided information services with initiative and independent judgment within library policy.
- Information Services – coordinated use of electronic resources. Staffed the reference desk at least 30 hours per week. Interviewed users to determine information needs. Decided appropriate search strategies; provided answers to routine and complex reference questions. Also, provided public with instruction on how to use the library and the internet.
- Webmaster- Directed content and created organization while maintaing structure of the library’s website.
- Internet/Computer Training – Designed, executed, promoted and evaluated adult classes on the use of library electronic resources.
- Collection Development – Selected reference library materials in print and electronic format. Assisted other departments with collection development.
0-5 years of experience
Responded to patron questions and inquiries, ordered new books and maintained collection. Also organized tax forms distribution.
- Improved the process for tax form distribution to the extent that there were no complaints for that year — something of a first for the library.
- Commended and even asked for by many patrons.
- Assisted some with computer technical support in lieu of IT workers’ availability.
0-5 years of experience
Taught research skills to undergraduate and graduate students – approximately 50 classes per calendar year; created lessons and handouts to ensure proper flow of pedagogy
- Acquired materials for the subjects of Social Work, Psychology, and Latin American Studies to support curriculum
- Delivered reference services by locating articles, books and other materials relevant to assignments
- Arranged book discussions and other outreach meetings to build relationships with academic departments
- Liaised with departmental faculty to collaborate on methods to improve student success
- Maintained Government Documents collection
0-5 years of experience
Assisted students in locating both electronic and print materials, in addition to helping students prepare proper citation use.
- Created MLA and APA citation tip sheets to provide quick references to undergraduate and graduate students.
- Conducted tours of library to prospective students.
- Updated subject guides and print resource guides on library webpage.
0-5 years of experience
Created and administered yearly adult programming for library while also performing reference librarian responsibilities and tasks.
- Provided reference service, assisted the public in the use of library resources, and promoted the library by the practice of good public relations
- Designed the course, recruited teachers, and taught in-house computer classes engaging the community and increasing attendance and usage of the library
- Member of Library’s website redesign team that enhanced the library’s brand and visibility in the community
6-10 years of experience
Worked in a number of capacities including reference, children’s and teen services, interlibrary loan and circulation desk hours.
- Provided excellent customer service and support for [company name] patrons.
- Carried out library policies, technical support to patrons, established and maintained community contacts.
- Provided computer training to patrons and library staff.
- Attended workshops and training to further increase knowledge and skills set.
0-5 years of experience
Provided reference services, reader’s advisory and other patron services
- Planned, promoted and implemented programs for ages birth to 18
- Reviewed, selected, ordered and cataloged all non-print materials for children
- Planned, promoted and participated in school and community outreach
0-5 years of experience
- Answered reference questions from students, faculty and community
- Assisted patrons with locating print and electronic materials
- Instructed patrons on use of electronic databases and other library resources
- Supervised library operations during evening and weekend hours
0-5 years of experience
- Provided reference desk services for students, faculty, staff and the public
- Created and updated library research guides using LibGuides system
- Prepared and taught library instruction sessions in a variety of subject areas
- Assisted with special projects in collection development and marketing
0-5 years of experience
- Provided reference service and assistance to legal and university community, including students and faculty, including evenings and weekends
- Created Advanced Legal Research course description for Curriculum Committee and worked in conjunction with other librarian faculty to create syllabus and course
- Taught introductory Legal Research course to first-year law students and sections of Advanced Legal Research for upper-level law students
- Implemented and organized additional legal research teaching classes to prepare students for practice and clerking
- Served on main library system’s User Education Committee
0-5 years of experience
Provided reference and reader’s advisory services along with acting as liaison between the library and community organizations as the archivist for the Local History Collection.
- Collection Development librarian for the Graphic Novel/ Manga, Software, and Video Game for all ages and entire library system and the Local History Collection.
- Planned, budgeted, researched, classified, maintained records and ephemera; and assisted in grant writing for the Local History Collection resulting in a $5000 gift from California Parks for Historical Preservation.
- Created digital and three-dimensional exhibits as community outreach, while developing the digitalization of the Local History Collection’s manuscript collection for easy online access.
- Created reliable training manuals and resource spreadsheets for staff in the proper use of specific technologies for faster retrieval of sources.
- Logistical management in day-to-day services and procedures, such as the reorganization of the Graphic Novel collection which resulted in faster retrieval and shelving of materials for an average of 7 minutes saved.
0-5 years of experience
Primary contact librarian for the School of Art and Architecture, Physics, Foreign Languages and International Center.
- Conducted information literacy sessions for all subjects and levels.
- Instructor for Library 121 (a semester credit online library course).
- Collaborated with other librarians in the development and implementation of a campus-wide
0-5 years of experience
Assisted customers with reference and research inquires
- Researched and selected medical sites represented on the St. Louis County Library website
- Participated in weeding and collection development of reference material
- Taught public classes in the use of library databases and resources
6-10 years of experience
Provide assistance to the reference unit by supporting customers via multiple channels: phone, face to face and computers interactions.
- Educated patrons on functionality of the Horizon online catalog and printing non-print materials
- Instruct library users on how to navigate internet searches, operate Microsoft Office applications and process inter library loan request via OCLC First Search.
- Perform various other duties related to administrative functions and daily operations.
- Organize various programs for the community, including the publicity for adult programs
- Coordinated and designed a Health Blog for [company name] using Word Press.
- Teach Microsoft Word and PowerPoint application classes to public.
0-5 years of experience
Staffed busy reference desk serving main office of 600-attorney firm.
- Performed legal research in the areas of Employment Law, Bankruptcy, and Corporate Law
- Proactively monitored bankruptcy filings, new cases, and legal newspapers for interested attorneys and staff
- Assisted with special projects for partners and departments as needed.
0-5 years of experience
Staffed reference desk answering questions for students and faculty. Trained groups and individuals to use the library, databases, library catalog and eBooks.
- Supervised work-study students when “Librarian in Charge.”
- Purchased health science and medical books for library to support programs.
- Tracked 150 magazine subscriptions using serials module of the catalog.
- Coordinated the creation of a social media wiki as co-chair of the Social Media Subcommittee for Automation Alley.
6-10 years of experience
Extensive work with eBooks and eReaders
- Contributed technical expertise and design acumen to win First Place in the Social Media Category of the [company name] 2013.
- Full-time work in Reference, capable and cross-trained in six service desks, a branch library and the bookmobile.
- Created signature programming like the annual community-wide poetry competition The Mega Slam, successful Open-Mic nights, a Francis Perkins Job Fair and Celebration, and an “Are You the Next Einstein” competition in conjunction with the Summer Reading Program kick off, 2014.
- Used my B.A. in Art History to manage a budget of $4,900 in the field of Art and Art History.
- Understudy to Joy Hennig in the Genealogy / Local History section.
0-5 years of experience
- Adapted existing library instruction sessions to meet new class requirements.
- Delivered library instruction sessions for freshman seminars, introductory business classes, and introductory and advanced business classes.
- Prepared and processed books for interlibrary loan.
- Managed two student workers.
- Provided reference assistance to students and instructors.
- Performed circulation duties using the Mandarin Oasis integrated library system.
- Aided in library inventory processes.
- Cataloged new books and updated standing order catalog entries.
- Helped to train new librarians on our various processes and computer systems.
0-5 years of experience
Provided public service to patrons.
- Provided reference and readers advisory services to all age levels.
- Assisted patrons in the use of the internet, library catalog, electronic databases, downloadable materials, and other library resources.
- Assisted Director of Library in any projects needed for completion.
0-5 years of experience
- Researched and answered wide range of reference questions in a high paced environment for US Senators and their staffs
- Presented library services introductions for new Senate staff
- Tracked each stage of Senate legislation to report to interested Senate staff
0-5 years of experience
- Performed research for NYU Law School faculty.
- Assisted students with domestic and international reference queries.
- Participated in collection development and other special projects.
0-5 years of experience
Provided reference services to the PTO staff including instruction on the use of electronic databases and print materials
- Performed internet, online, and CD-ROM reference searches of scientific and general databases.
- Researched/investigated date of publication of specific printed matter.
- Conducted inventory of reference materials.
- Prepared and conducted library tours.
- Prepared statistics on the library use
0-5 years of experience
Proficient researcher on a wide variety of topics after working for over ten years in public libraries.
- Experienced business and legal reference specialist. Graduate-level coursework in business research and administration at Dominican University; legal research
- Responsible for selection and acquisition of fiction and nonfiction library materials.
- Managed acquisition budgets at Wilmette Public Library, Park Ridge Public Library and Glencoe Public Library.
- Service-oriented librarian assisting patrons of all ages and temperaments with research, using both print and electronic resources.
- Managed public libraries on nights and weekends when Library Director was not on duty.
- Managed staffing and scheduling of the bookmobile at Park Ridge Library in conjunction with Des Plaines Library.
- Managed 15 to 20 volunteers who delivered books to homebound patrons at Park
- Published writer. Conducted an exclusive interview with Chicago-based musician Alice
6-10 years of experience
- Actively participate in professional development activities (Attended the American Association of School Libraries 14th National Conference & Exhibition, Charlotte, NC)
- Provided reference service to students, faculty, and entire college community
- Created and presented library instruction classes to students
- Developed students’ information skills through individual research assistance
- Consulted with faculty and fellow librarians to plan and meet students’ information needs
- Acted as liaison to obtain technical support for the automated library system
- Recommended library resource materials that support faculty’s classroom assignments
- Updated and maintained library web pages
- Trained and supervised student assistants
0-5 years of experience
Provided reference services and readers’ advisory to library users.
- Maintained a statistical report on all reference services.
- Managed inter-library loan requests.
- Managed distribution and recording of serials acquisitions.
- Directed the operation of the Children’s department, supervising a staff of two clerks and one librarian’s assistant.
- Managed the children’s material collection including setting collection development goals.
0-5 years of experience
Assist students in online database usage including ebrary, Ebsco, Gale and others
- Address reference inquiries and perform circulation functions including materials checkout, book reserves and renewals
- Provide bibliographic instruction in APA and MLA formats
- Recommend library materials to patrons and refer them to various services, collections and outside resources
- Supervise library employee work schedules, payment and other functions
6-10 years of experience
- Reference coordinator and researcher to 160 attorneys and staff, using Lexis/Nexis, Westlaw, GSI, other contracted online sources.
- Researched and prepared legal briefs and reported to offices worldwide.
- Supervisory experience
- Taught library and research skills to attorneys, paralegals, and staff.
- Prepared reports, researched Pathfinders and subject bibliographies.
- Collection Maintenance, Foreign Trade Library
- Researched patents, securities, statutes, legislative histories and case law