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Library Director Resume Samples
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6-10 years of experience
Oversaw four-six staff members.
- Performed daily tasks associated with position.
- Decreased the library’s debt and increased their savings in the short span of 3 years.
- Improved rate of return for the annual donation drive by 50%.
- Researched, wrote and won a $5000 LSTA grant for the purchase of new health/wellness materials.
0-5 years of experience
Built computer network from scratch to allow multi-user access to databases.
- Completed SLIMS automation (paper records to electronic records) project.
- Obtained over $10,000 in grant funding for literary and information resources.
- Expanded public awareness of library holdings with constant advertising.
- Created new collections and increased circulation of all library materials by 150%.
0-5 years of experience
Provided library services to the community requiring the ability to plan creatively and think critically, as well as the ability to work effectively with all types of people.
- Searched databases in order to locate and access material held by the library or other institutions to assist the community with their studies and research.
- Maintained complete and accurate records of finances and expended funds based on the approved budget.
- Compiled data for monthly and yearly reports to the city and state.
- Attended all board meetings and prepared written progress reports concerning physical facilities, collections, programs, activities, etc.
- Participated in continuing education to fulfill state certification program.
6-10 years of experience
- Responsible for all operations of the library that includes long term planning, budgeting, administration, and management of staff and volunteers.
- Manage IT/Computer equipment. Responsible for all maintenance and repairs of the computer LAN and WI-FI network systems.
- Designed and implemented 10 Children and Adult Literary programs.
- Wrote and secured a $25, 000 Keystone Grant for major roof and structural repairs.
6-10 years of experience
Responsible for all library functions, which includes student worker training and supervision, reference, report writing, and collection development.
- Determined the library’s organization as first library director
- Created literature guides to assist patrons in locating specific materials
- Taught one course per semester in history of Christianity, both U.S. and global
- Initiated guest speaker events for library
- Developed bibliographies for most course syllabi
10+ years of experience
Supervised all daily Library operations and reference inquiries.
- Hired, trained and developed Library Staff (2) Full-Time- Assistant & Digital Librarian
- Planned and implemented Library budget and selection of print and Student resources
- Instructed and assisted faculty, TAC staff, students (on-campus and virtual) and visitors on usage and navigation of library print and electronic resources
- Oversaw development of electronic Finding Aids (LibGuides) to supplement TAC curriculum
- Publicized and organized special events such as author appearances, lectures, book discussions, and National Library Week activities for on-site staff.
0-5 years of experience
Responsible for all aspects of library operations and management, including supervision of an Associate Librarian and 3 Library Assistants.
- Maintained the annual resources budget of $110,000.
- Responsible for the promotion of library services and resources to faculty and students, including coordination of campus-wide tutoring services through the library-based Learning Enrichment Center.
- Collaborated with faculty to incorporate print and electronic resources into their curriculum.
- Planned and delivered information literacy classroom instruction to each incoming student.
- Responsible for the design and ongoing revision of targeted search aids and training tools.
- Performed collection development and acquisitions with a strong emphasis in the topics of health and medical resources.
- Performed all cataloging of acquired resources.
- Provided daily reference and research assistance.
0-5 years of experience
Administered the law library in the county courthouse, serving the legal information needs of the bar, judiciary and the general public.
- Managed staff, collection and budget, reporting to a Committee of the Fairfax Bar Association, the Executive Director and Clerk of Court.
- Implemented educational programs for the public and new legal assistants, and computerized legal research service for attorneys.
- Redesigned floor plan to incorporate additional seating and compact shelving for archival materials, along with long-range plan to relocate the library to the main floor so that expanded public hours might be accommodated. [Goal became reality in 2007.]
- Worked with Virginia Association of Public Law Libraries and legislative representatives to protect funding for these libraries across the state.
0-5 years of experience
Responsible for day-to-day operation, supervision of professional and paraprofessional staff.
Provide information and recommendations to the Board of Directors. Respond to reference
inquiries. Resolve operational needs and pursue opportunities for growth of library services,
collections, and programs.
- Coordinated survey of residents pursuant to long-range planning/capital campaign.
- Boosted staff morale through coaching and supporting growth opportunities.
- Developed, maintained, and streamlined entire library collection.
0-5 years of experience
Reporting to Governing Board, managed staff of five, budgets and all aspects of unique library archive sponsored by the American Bar Association and dedicated to preserving history of legal aid and criminal defender services. Managed archives of Office of Economic Opportunity, Legal Services Corporation, National Legal Aid and Defender Association.
- Acquired archives and manuscript collections relating to the history of legal assistance to the poor and equal access to justice; doubled library size enhancing comprehensiveness and research value.
- Successfully organized and led fund raising campaigns and grant writing activities, securing funding from American Bar Association and other major law firms.
- Regularly interfaced with American Bar Association, National Legal Aid and Defender Association, and the American Association of Law Libraries on membership campaigns, fundraising, and special events.
- Designed historical exhibits as well as traveling exhibits including one commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Legal Services Corporation at the American Bar Association annual conference, improving library awareness, membership and funding.
- Edited, contributed articles, and distributed bi-annual newsletter, Equal Justice Update, with circulation to over 3,000 members and organizations.
- Successfully managed program to document oral history of major contributors to the history of Equal Justice including Hillary Clinton and Sargent Shriver.
- Planned, organized and managed day-long conference on “Equal Justice in America” for Washington College of Law students including a prestigious panel of legal scholars and practitioners including keynote speaker Sergeant Shriver.
0-5 years of experience
Monitored a budget of $100,00.00.
- Provided over 120 programs for both adult and youth customers.
- Recommended policies and procedures to the Library Board.
- Supervised a staff of 5.
6-10 years of experience
Supervised moving of library from one building to another
- Planned shelving and placing of filing cabinets
- Directed volunteers regarding projects at library
- Processed donations to library
- Devised several indexes to various paper collections
- Answered and researched genealogical questions received via mail
- Picked up mail from post office and sent thank you notes for all society donations
- Served as President of the Board of Directors for two terms
0-5 years of experience
Ran day-to-day operations of a busy suburban library
- Performed reference and research work online and in reference books
- Worked directly with the public on a daily basis
- Trained and supervised staff to use new integrated library system
- Purchased all print and non-print materials
- Reported to Board of Trustees
0-5 years of experience
Reporting to Governing Board, managed staff of five, budgets and all aspects of unique library archive sponsored by the American Bar Association and dedicated to preserving history of legal aid and criminal defender services. Managed archives of Office of Economic Opportunity, Legal Services Corporation, National Legal Aid and Defender Association.
- Acquired archives and manuscript collections relating to the history of legal assistance to the poor and equal access to justice; doubled library size enhancing comprehensiveness and research value.
- Successfully organized and led fund raising campaigns and grant writing activities, securing funding from American Bar Association and other major law firms.
- Regularly interfaced with American Bar Association, National Legal Aid and Defender Association, and the American Association of Law Libraries on membership campaigns, fundraising, and special events.
- Designed historical exhibits as well as traveling exhibits including one commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Legal Services Corporation at the American Bar Association annual conference, improving library awareness, membership and funding.
- Edited, contributed articles, and distributed bi-annual newsletter, Equal Justice Update, with circulation to over 3,000 members and organizations.
- Successfully managed program to document oral history of major contributors to the history of Equal Justice including Hillary Clinton and Sargent Shriver.
- Planned, organized and managed day-long conference on “Equal Justice in America” for Washington College of Law students including a prestigious panel of legal scholars and practitioners including keynote speaker Sergeant Shriver.
0-5 years of experience
Responsible for oversight of library operations.
- Maintained computer equipment and IT support.
- Performed extensive research for faculty and staff utilizing various resources and provided reference
- Responsible for providing training and instruction on research techniques.
- Created written proposal for thesis and research papers for faculty.
- Managed assignments to staff at the circulation desk.
- Trained staff and students in library research procedures and academic skills.
0-5 years of experience
Office Administration Assistant to Health Sciences Library Director
- Converted a typewritten manuscript to computer-written text
- Organized and prepared documents pertaining to the budget pertaining to the current and past fiscal years
- Prepared Money Request Forms
- Collected and entered data for research poster database
- Strategically researched and managed travel arrangements considering budget, scheduling and transportation
- Worked the cash register and library desk, answered phones
0-5 years of experience
- Directed all district library functions
- Directed all library public relations issues and information campaigns
- Engaged in public speaking on behalf of the library
- Prepared and administered grants
- Tripled annual circulation totals in three years
- Doubled annual attendance totals in five years
- Researched, wrote language for, and proposed House Bill 3890 to the Illinois General Assembly
- Initiated new state legislation allowing libraries to combine building bonds/operating levy referenda questions
6-10 years of experience
Recruit, train and evaluate staff performance.
- Increased library circulation by 40% percent with the first 4 years and tripled programs within three months.
- Managed budget of $200,000.
- Responsible for all collection development and cataloging all library acquisitions.
- Created library web page.
- Successfully awarded $5,000 in grants.
- Maintain good relationship with the local authorities and community
- Created new library programming based on community needs.
- Organize and conduct fund-raising programs to help boost the library collection.
0-5 years of experience
Managed the library of publicly held consulting firm using online databases including Lexis, Factiva, Dialog, and Hoovers
- Trained consultants in all offices to independently conduct research
- Published Guide to Obtaining Business Research
- As a member of Strategic Marketing Team, used research skills to identify RFP’s for potential opportunities, and participated in weekly meetings discussing potential opportunities
0-5 years of experience
Set up a new library for the college
- Worked with President, provost and library committee to secure accreditation and approval from Ghana Accreditation Board (Tertiary Education)
- Helped to put together a library document addressing the mission, vision statements, registration, collection management, cataloging, circulation, preservation, reserves, material selection, security and physically challenged policies.
- In consultation with President, produced a five year library strategic plan for 2012 – 2017
- Responsible for the day-to-day administration of library
0-5 years of experience
Automated the library collection.
- Managed budget, collection development, building maintenance and all other administrative duties.
- Assisted patrons in selection of reading materials and use of library resources.
- Arranged all programming for children, adults and summer reading.
0-5 years of experience
Planned, organized and managed the services of the city library
- Advised, consulted and conferred with the library board
- Supervised the keeping of records and the preparation of quarterly reports
- Assisted patrons in the use of library resources
0-5 years of experience
Responsible for research and procurement of materials for inter-library loans
- Catalogued regular and obtained new inventory for library
- Researched and evaluated book/periodical donations for library auctions and book collection.
- Compiled and maintained data bank of donations and donors
10+ years of experience
Relocated library to its current location, after the building and its contents were destroyed by fire.
- Transformed the library from a reading room, to a state of the art information center.
- Modernized, and integrated the collection with the automated statewide library network.
- Select and catalog all library materials as outlined by collection development guidelines.
- Manage library operations, and functions within an allocated budget.
- Prepare reports, and time sensitive grants.
- Supervise support staff, including hiring, training and evaluating job performance.
- Educate the public with regard to library services, databases and the internet.
10+ years of experience
Provided research services to faculty, students and optometrists
- Performed online searching using Dialog and Lion, an in-house database of vision science literature
- Cataloged materials
- Prepared and verified interlibrary loans
- Maintained serials, including annual inventory, claims, binding and exchange lists
- Prepared and presented program for freshman orientation
- Edited users’ manual for Lion subscribers
- Researched and cataloged aviation photographs for archival collection
0-5 years of experience
Serve as campus librarian by creating, planning, and providing reference service
- Train others in use of A/V equipment, computer equipment, and programs, such as Microsoft Office
- Check materials in and out while maintaining records using Resource Mate 3.0
- Help students and faculty in using all materials in the library
- Facilitate classroom instruction sessions on library usage, including hundreds of online databases.
- Catalog and code library materials to develop library collection
0-5 years of experience
Planning and implementation of long-range strategy, policy development, budget, and managing all library resources, including personnel
- Designing, implementing, and promoting services and programs for patrons of all ages
- Hiring, training, supervising, and guiding the professional development of all staff and volunteers
- Organizing the acquisitions, access, storage, and control of collections
- Complying with all municipal and state statutes regarding library operations
- Serving on multiple boards and community organizations in order to best serve patron best interests, as well as serving on subcommittees and work groups within the governing library network
- Communicating with patrons, visitors, peers, elected officials, and library advocates in a matter that best represents the professionalism and positive promotion of the library
0-5 years of experience
Initiated, planned and executed library programming including books clubs; children’s summer reading program; film series; and holiday events.
- Responsible for maintaining the collection of the library, including the selection and purchase of new materials and the culling of older materials.
- Maintained library computers, including software and other technology utilized by the library.
- Developed and taught computer instruction courses, available to library patrons at no cost.
- Responsible for the daily maintenance and upkeep of the library facility.
- Responsible for greeting patrons and the checking in and checking out of library materials.
0-5 years of experience
Created and implemented an information literacy curriculum for members
- Provide reference services in person, online and by phone to researchers and staff
- Liaise with students, alumni, committee members and club governance.
- Supervise and train a full-time library assistant and five volunteers
- Produce original cataloging for rare books and digitize items chosen for preservation
- Manage all day-to-day library functions including the budget and acquisitions, liaising with donors, committees and boards, and being a vocal advocate for the library.
- Doubled circulation in three months by creating an innovative collection development policy
- Curate a 50,000 volume collection, including rare books and archival materials
6-10 years of experience
- Processed and cataloged all library materials, including both original and copy cataloging using Marc Magician.
- Managed the library’s integrated catalog. Oversaw library technology, including procurement and maintenance of hardware, software and AV equipment. Spearheaded the migration of the collection to Voyager system.
- Negotiated databases and conducted bibliographic instruction including the use of online resources and the OPAC to all faculty, staff and students.
- Maintained the library’s web page, seeking out and adding appropriate links to remote resources and ensuring that all links were current and active.
- Developed and supervised library services that included circulation, interlibrary loan, reference, informational literacy activities, and campus community outreach.
- Interviewed, trained, and supervised library staff of three professionals, one clerical and student workers.
- Administered the library’s collections. Worked with faculty to select appropriate materials.
- Developed both short and long range plans for library services and facilities.
- Developed and presented the annual library operating and capital budget.
- Provided reference service to all faculty, staff and students.
6-10 years of experience
Assisted with updating annual budget, grant requests and staff correspondence
- Updated bank deposit documents and correspondence
- Assisted Police Department in converting Compensation and Attendance data from hard copy to an Excel database
- Maintained Excel spreadsheets to track Library Expansion Campaign donations
- Ordered office supplies
- Served as liaison to patrons regarding use of library facilities
- Worked with groups in room selection, set-up, and technical questions
- Welcomed visitors and personally accepted monetary donations to the library
0-5 years of experience
Help increase safety of customers by helping watch children and removing harmful objects from places people walked.
- Help increase traffic to the library by helping customers fill out forms, register for classes, as well as provide safe money exchanges for services of the library.
- Learn programs such as Adobe Photoshop and HTML coding outside of work to increase traffic to the library in order to create flyers and brochures.
- Put in place of trust by managing the library alone frequently when Director had meetings elsewhere.
- Helped increase customer satisfaction by volunteering and providing services at events held outside of business hours.
0-5 years of experience
Support and assist Director and Assistant Director of library.
- Search standard reference materials, including on-line sources and the Internet, in order to answer patrons’ reference questions.
- Analyze patrons’ requests to determine needed information, and assist in furnishing and locating that information.
- Education patrons and new staff on electronic search and filing database systems such as Illuminar and Iconn.
- Process and catalog resource transactions.
- Arrange and process interlibrary loans of books and other media.
- Implement, organize and conduct weekly reading and craft group for ages 3 to 6.
10+ years of experience
Creating work plans for the staff that coincides with library board objectives. Implementing personnel policies and procedures, recruitment, hiring, training and evaluation of staff.
- Purchasing and cataloging library materials, performing inventory, annual state reports
- Creating year-round programming for both children and adults.
- Writing and administering grants on state and federal level
- Community outreach through local schools and daycares
0-5 years of experience
Manage and evaluate the operation and delivery of library services.
- Select, train, schedule, supervise, assign work to and evaluate library staff.
- Develop and implement library instruction programs and materials.
- Prepare and submit required reports.
- Develop and manage library budgets.
- Identify and communicate new methods or trends in information technology.
0-5 years of experience
Hire and manage employees.
- Responsible for overseeing and completing all day to day activities.
- Completing payroll, balancing cash drawer, and all bookkeeping.
- Ordering all library materials including books, movies, and magazines.
- Reporting monthly to the library board.
- Completing library budget and keeping library compliant with state standards.
- Attend community meetings and work with leaders on community improvement
6-10 years of experience
Answer all incoming calls, routing to the correct staff member and department
- Coordinate meetings and appointments for executive staff
- Schedule and approve conference room reservations
- Review and process invoices for contracted services, repairs, and supply vendors
- Coordinate and approve orders for office supplies and maintenance equipment
- Draft and edit business correspondence for directors as needed
- Greet visitors upon arrival and notify appropriate staff
0-5 years of experience
Managed accredited teaching hospital library
- Conducted research for medical and allied health professionals/students
- Oversaw physical move of library operations
- Supervised one administrative FTE
- Implemented first-ever CD-ROM search service for physicians
10+ years of experience
Managed all aspects of Library Operations: Annual budget; Annual Reports; Grant Procurement; Program Development; Collection Development; Staff Development; Technology Development; On going building maintenance
- As a Department Head I reported to City Manager & Elected Officials during regularly scheduled Commission meetings
- San Juan College Library Partnership – Public and Academic Library Collaboration
- Community Outreach & Economic Development
0-5 years of experience
Library Director
- Responsible for the direct supervision of nine staff members who are responsible for helping to open and close the library, processing library cards for new patrons, processing books, processing magazines, and assisting patrons with computers
- Responsible for the daily operation of the library including cataloging, supervising and maintaining operation of the circulation desk, and all library public relation issues
- Maintain a budget of $395K, collection development, fund raising and grant writing
- Supervise the processing of interlibrary loans
- Manages library special events such as the volunteer luncheon, house tour fund raiser, and the book/bake sale
- Responsible for the filing of monthly and yearly state reports
- Responsible for the library’s accounts receivables and payables
- Committee Chair for the Senior Space Committee
- Attend continuing education classes relevant to the position of Library Director
0-5 years of experience
Budget, ordering
- Programming, teaching classes
- Supervision of staff
- Circulation desk, shelving, preparing materials for circulation
- Website design and updates
0-5 years of experience
Assisted patrons in finding books on reserve
- Ran errands within Bartle Library North
- Helped students set up microfilms from Newcomb collection
- Put books in and out of circulation
- Helped professors put textbooks and films on reserve
0-5 years of experience
Assisted patrons in finding books on reserve
- Ran errands within Bartle Library North
- Helped students set up microfilms from Newcomb collection
- Put books in and out of circulation
- Helped professors put textbooks and films on reserve
0-5 years of experience
Circulation services.
- Cataloging.
- Oversee library staff.
- Utilize a variety of databases to research topics for faculty and physicians.
- Develop and present research strategies for nursing students.
- Collection development.
- Budgeting.
- Grant writing.
0-5 years of experience
Responsible for all library operations
- ACICS compliance
- Ordering and distributing textbooks
- Budget, reference, acquisitions, collection development
0-5 years of experience
Process grant applications and prepare reports for the state library.
- Maintain Library database.
- Arrange and execute educational programs for patrons.
- Handle scheduling for employees.
- Process collections and make deposits.
- Design complex spreadsheets, documents, flyers and posters.
- Order supplies and organize filing system.
- Assist Town Clerk and Traffic Department with additional duties.
- Assist with organizing for miscellaneous festivals held in Washington.
- Manage daily library functions when Librarian is out of the office.
- Responsible for raising monies for the Library through raffles and donation requests.