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Mobile Developer Duties and Responsibilities

Developing mobile applications and websites involves performing several duties and responsibilities. After our analysis of several Mobile Developer job descriptions, we found the following to be the most common Mobile Developer duties and responsibilities.

Understand Users’ Mobile Needs Before Mobile Developers can work their mobile magic, they have to sit down with their client and do some active listening to find out what they want out their mobile app. The information learned in these conversations is the precursor to the project plan.

Develop Project Plans Based on Client Needs Once Mobile Developers understand their client’s desires, they start coming up with ideas to bring these desires to life. The project plan is the outline detailing all the programming that needs to be done to complete the project.

Write and Test Code Writing the code necessary to make a mobile app work is the main duty of a Mobile Developer. The specific code depends on the mobile platform. It is Java for Android and Windows phone, and it is Objective-C and Swift for iOS.

Perform Detailed Quality Assurance Tests Test, test and test again is the motto of Mobile Developers. Before an app hits the App Store, they run various quality assurance tests to make sure all features are functioning.

Monitor App Feedback for Potential Patch or Upgrade Needs The job of the Mobile Developer isn’t done when the app is launched. It is their responsibility to constantly monitor user feedback and generate ideas to patch or improve the app.


Mobile Developer Skills

Mobile Developers mostly rely on technical skills, but there are a few soft skills required to get their jobs done. They need to be active listeners and have the ability to ask the right questions to figure out what the client wants. They also have to have the analytical and programming skills to turn those wants into a functioning mobile app. Here are some of the skills most desired by employers of Mobile Developers.

  • Writing code using programming languages like objective-c, swift and java
  • Analyzing code to find and correct inaccuracies
  • Collaborating with fellow Mobile Developers to solve problems as they arise
  • Using active listening to understand what clients are looking for in their mobile apps
  • Developing complex project plans based on information from client meetings.

Mobile Developer Education and Training

Mobile Developers typically have a Bachelor’s degree in software engineering, mobile application development, computer science or any other programming-based degree. The specific development environment and programming language one needs to know depends on the mobile platform. For iOS, the programming languages are objective-C and swift, and the development environment is Xcode. For Android, the language is Java and the development environment is Eclipse.


Mobile Developer Salary

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the national median salary for Software Developers, which includes Mobile Developers, is $100,080. Those in the top 10 percent make more than $157,930 and those in the bottom 10 percent make less than $58,300.


Mobile Developer Resources

The world of mobile development can be an exciting career for those with the right skills and interests. Check out the resources below if you want to learn more about what it’s like to be a Mobile Developer.

The Developer’s Alliance – The Developer’s Alliance has a mission that revolves around bringing together like-minded developers who believe software plays an important part in changing the world. It has over 75,000 members, including a fair amount of Mobile Developers. Their website includes a regularly updated blog and events calendar, as well as clear outlines of their core principles and most important issues.

SlashData Company Blog – SlashData’s company blog is regularly updated with trends and case studies related to the world of mobile app development. Their archived posts cover topics like app analysis, user experience and the Internet of Things. Savvy Apps – Savvy Apps is an app development company with an excellent blog on all things Mobile Development. It discusses industry trends and successful app development strategies. It also features interviews with founders of the hottest apps in a plethora of industries.

Furbo – Written by Craig Hockenberry, Furbo is a mobile development blog that has been around since 2007, when mobile development was in its infancy. The archived posts are a gold mine for aspiring and practicing Mobile Developers alike.

Apps: Beginner’s Guide for App Programming, App Development, App Design by Steve Clinton – As the title suggests, this book is geared towards those who are just starting out in mobile development. It is an excellent read if you want to get an overview of everything you need to know about building a mobile app.