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iOS Developer Duties and Responsibilities

iOS developers work in a variety of industries. Specific duties and responsibilities may vary, but there are several core tasks associated with the job:

Design and Build Mobile Applications The main role of iOS developers is designing and building applications on the iOS platform. They work with teams of computer engineers, software developers, and other professionals to present design ideas with interactive prototypes, mockups, and wireframes. iOS developers write code to power these apps and must ensure that they are user friendly.

Test Applications for Optimal Performance Once an app has been created, iOS developers run tests to identify design flaws and bugs, such as performing code reviews and performance analyses. They collaborate with others to conduct these tests, take feedback, implement changes, and document issues and resolutions.

Integrate Applications iOS developers are primarily responsible for integrating new apps for use on mobile devices. They also implement new features in existing apps, perform maintenance on iOS applications, and make sure that apps are compatible with various models of mobile devices.

Evaluate New Technologies iOS developers are expected to continually explore and evaluate new technologies to optimize application development. This includes reviewing coding standards, software development processes, and solution choices. They gain this knowledge through seminars, conferences, or continuing education courses.


iOS Developer Skills and Qualifications

Creative individuals with strong coding skills make for successful iOS developers. In addition to a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering or a related area, employers typically look for candidates who possess the following abilities:

  • Coding – implementing quality coding into mobile apps is a priority for iOS developers, and they must be knowledgeable in JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, Xcode, Swift, and others
  • Software development – iOS developers should be well schooled in software development processes and adept at using software development methodologies, such as Agile
  • Troubleshooting – when it comes to testing apps, iOS developers must employ strong troubleshooting skills when encountering issues
  • Project management – from scheduling to assigning tasks, iOS developers should be familiar with steps inherent to project management
  • Time management – to stay active in a competitive market, many app development companies work quickly to make new products available; iOS developers must deliver new ideas and apps in a timely manner
  • Team collaboration – while iOS developers often work independently, they spend a large amount of time collaborating with software engineers, programmers, illustrators, and other members of the development team
  • Multitasking – in many cases, iOS developers have multiple projects at various stages of completion, which requires consistent multitasking
  • Communication skills verbal and written communication skills are essential to iOS developers, as they spend a great deal of their workday collaborating with others, writing reports, and logging details about application issues and solutions

iOS Developer Education and Training

Most commonly, employers seek iOS developers who hold a bachelor’s degree in computer science, software engineering, or computer engineering. Some might even require a master’s degree in any of these areas, though this advanced degree might be necessary for more advanced positions, such as senior iOS developer. An understanding of the industry in which they work, such as healthcare or finance, is critical for iOS developers to create the most comprehensive and relevant apps for their company.


iOS Developer Salary and Outlook

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that application developers (including iOS developers) make a median annual wage of over $101,000. Those in the 10th percentile make about $60,000, while iOS developers at the top of the pay scale earn a yearly median salary of $160,000. Among all software developers, the BLS reports that applications developers will realize the largest employment growth, with a 31 percent increase expected through 2026. A continuing need for new applications for mobile devices plays a major role in this expected growth rate.


Helpful Resources

If you’ve developed a healthy interest in iOS development and want to learn more, we’ve provided some resources for you below:

Developer Alliance – providing advocacy as well as networking opportunities for iOS developers and other types of app and software developers, this organization is a great source of support and helpful articles

Pro iOS Development – from basic to more advanced application development concepts, this book provides you with an in-depth look at the various tasks associated with iOS development

Furbo.org – all iOSdevelopers can find pertinent information about best practices and industry news from longtimeiOS developer and pioneer Craig Hockenberry, who has been writing this blog for over 10 years

iOS Dev Weekly – from general news to articles focusing on design, coding, and useful tools for iOS developers, this blog written by pro Dave Verwer is detailed, insightful, and informative Big Nerd Ranch Blog – industry pioneer Aaron Hillegass runs this blog, which has been around for 15 years and covers topics like frameworks, programming tools, and working with iOS 11

Apple Developer Magazine – this online magazine for developers includes an iOS section with insight into creating apps and games for iOS

Test-Driven iOS Development – author Graham Lee, a longtime iOS developer, discusses the benefits and uses of test-driven development (TDD). Here you’ll learn how to apply and master TDD to improve your designs and produce higher-quality products

The Business of iPhone App Development: Making and Marketing Apps That Succeed – both seasoned and novice iOS developers can learn valuable lessons from this book, which explores how to make apps that sell. Find out how to apply marketing and business management techniques throughout the design and development process to ensure sales success once you complete your product