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Metal Fabricator Duties and Responsibilities

To accomplish their primary goal of creating and welding metal parts and assemblies, Metal Fabricators perform many tasks. We analyzed several job listings to identify these core Metal Fabricator duties and responsibilities.

Understand Requirements The Metal Fabricator must read and understand engineering blueprints and plans to know exactly what is required of any project. They must follow detailed assembly instructions, processes and procedures in all the work they do.

Cut and Fabricate Metal Objects Metal Fabricators use a variety of tools to work with metal. They operate cutting saws to cut various metals, and weld and grind fabricated structures to meet structural requirements.

Ensure Quality and Document Work For all work that they do, Metal Fabricators must perform detailed quality checks to ensure that it meets all standards and requirements. They must document work and results, and keep records of labor and materials used.


Metal Fabricator Resources

We searched the Web to find the best industry resources to help you continue exploring a career as a Metal Fabricator. From thought leaders to industry groups, this list is packed with opportunities to learn, connect and engage. On the Web

The Fabricator – Keep up-to-date on news and industry movement from this trade publication. EVS Metal – Learn tips and tricks to improve your metalworking skills. Industry Groups

Fabricators and Manufacturers Association, International – A widely scoped organization, their website has training, news, and job links for all kinds of Fabrication jobs.

American Welding Society – Learn about certification, training, standards, conferences, and career opportunities in welding.

National Institute for Metalworking Skills – Find out about workshops and local organizations for Metal Fabricators. Metal Fabricator Books

Metal Fabricator’s Handbook – Everything you need to know to get started as a Metal Fabricator.

Metalworking Sink or Swim: Tips and Tricks for Machinists, Welders and Fabricators

Cost Estimating for Metal stampers and Fabricators – A handy guide to do cost estimating for metal fabrication projects.