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Police Sergeant Resume Samples
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0-5 years of experience
- Supervised the Community Oriented Policing Squad which consisted of 8-10 team members by using motivations and direction increasing community relations by 20%.
- Led and conducted Bicycle Police functions as well as community engagement to establish a good rapport with the community to increase visibility of police officers in the area by 100%.
- Prepared and reviewed police reports to increase the number of proper reports being submitted, which increased patrol officers efficiency.
- Planned and trained personnel in police tactics, weapons, and officer safety according to the department policies resulting in 0 accidents or mishaps.
- Led as shift supervisor assigning and managing patrols effectively, resulting in effective patrolling.
- Assisted senior leaders with the development and planning of missions resulting in 100% of mission success.
0-5 years of experience
Coordinated and supervised training events for 762 Marines resulting in more than 168 successful training days in preparation for Operation Enduring Freedom.
- Guided and mentored 14 Marines in the expertise of rocket employment and breaching/infiltration techniques resulting in well trained and knowledgeable Assaultmen.
- Maintained logs, prepared reports, and directed the preparation, handling and maintenance of departmental records.
- Monitored and evaluated the job performance of subordinates and assisted upper management in promotions and transfers.
- Inspected facilities and equipment routinely to determine necessity of repairs or maintenance.
10+ years of experience
Directed daily security operations for a large commercial, government, and public area that included port, airport, and surrounding areas. Provided leadership, training, and planning for a patrol force charged with ensuring public safety and enforcing laws. Developed plans for addressing traffic issues, airport security concerns, crime, and special operations. Reviewed ongoing problems from previous shifts and implemented corrective actions. Investigated complaints against staff and assisted with difficult cases as needed.
- Led multiple internal affairs investigations, all of which were accepted without challenge.
- Revised the disqualification requirements in the background investigation process for police officer applicants.
- Established protocol for hospitalization of prisoners and blood borne pathogen exposure/treatment for officers.
- Recognized expert in sexual assault investigation, mandatory reporting requirements, and surveillance.
- Honored with multiple awards for outstanding service and performance.
- Implemented and Supervised the Reserve Senior Volunteer Program
6-10 years of experience
Directed the Headquarters Desk, supervising a tour of 25 officers. Prepared and presented statistical reports used to evaluate officer performance, identify opportunities for training and enhance productivity.
- Coordinated strategies and information between interdepartmental agencies responsible for public safety during large scale emergencies and special events
- Awarded 2 unit citations for supervising the Community Policing Unit tasked with solving community issues in cooperation with the public
- Planned, conducted and adjudicated internal investigations on minor disciplinary infractions.
- Sheduled officer’s time off and vacations to ensure minimum staffing levels were met.
0-5 years of experience
Supervised security for over $5 million of highly sensitive equipment, with zero loss in 12 month period.
- Conducted scheduling, training, and supervising for a four man team while conducting personnel transport and security.
- Preformed personal security for U.S. and foreign diplomats in a hostile environment with zero loss of personnel, and sensitive equipment.
- Succeeded in a rapidly changing and stressful environment by employing the best practices of the organization and applying them to a changing situation.
- Instructed over 500 personnel on self-defense and hand to hand combat tactics.
- Issued over 200 criminal citations resulting in over $30,000 in fines, in a 9 month period.
- Provided purpose, direction, and motivation to subordinates in order to accomplish the mission in a safe and timely manner.
0-5 years of experience
Directed all operational aspects of the police department. Managed departmental investigations. Completed various safety/security inspections and conducted life safety drills. Managed security operations for several large events.
- Supervised three full-time and 30 part-time officers.
- Hired and trained approximately 50 staff, monitoring for performance standards.
- Served as an expert advisor on various committees to address the safety and security of students during the construction of new residence halls and a student activity center.
0-5 years of experience
Managed police and civilian personnel in the creation and execution of major events for the city
- Oversaw training and the implementation of new policies and procedures in the department as they related to emergency preparedness
- Worked as a department liaison with federal, state and local agencies as well as other city department representatives
- Ensured department personnel followed proper policy and procedures
- Responsible for conducting yearly evaluations of subordinates, identified, documented and corrected any deficiencies
- Completed yearly and monthly reports for administrators
6-10 years of experience
Patrol Division Commanded two night shift patrol squads performing duties of lieutenant and sergeant. Department Defensive Tactics Instructor
- Frequently provided supervisory assistance and guidance to adjacent communities without night-shift supervisors.
- Squads out performed entire department in self-initiated arrests, motor vehicle stops, and proactive crime prevention activities.
- Created Anti-Bias/hate Brochure for Ridgewood/Glen Rock Community Relations Advisory Board.
- Established private/public crime prevention partnerships, addressing retail and corporate security intelligence sharing along with risk assessment and mitigation. Provided physical and procedural security recommendations for business and residential clients as department’s lead crime prevention officer.
6-10 years of experience
Supervised two patrol officers and monitored compliance with NC laws and policies, while demonstrating proven leadership skills
- Received The Morris Kaplan Caring and Sharing Law Enforcement Award in 2008 and 2014
- Provided staff development training
- Administered the Electronic Record Management System
- Provided public relations and community education
0-5 years of experience
Promoted to Police Sergeant in 2006 supervising patrol officers in the field.
- Served as primary assistance to field officers when answering calls for service.
- Earned Officer of the Year from the [company name].
- Managed 6 officers.
10+ years of experience
Investigations Section Major Case Unit Supervisor/ SWAT Entry Team Leader and Tactical Commander/ Special Operations Supervisor / Federal Task Force Supervisor / Patrol Supervisor
- Supervised the investigation of multiple homicide cases, officer involved shooting/fatal incidents and major violent felony cases.
- Co- Case Agent Federal Drug Trafficking Organization (OCDETF) Title III investigation.
- Co-Case Agent Fedral R.I.C.O. Statutes Violations investigation which was successfully prosecuted in the Eastern District of California.
- Supervised and participated in numerous gang related major investigations which have been successfully prosecuted in State and Federal Courts. These cases include multiple homicides, felony assaults robberies, drug trafficking and human trafficking.
- SWAT Team Tactical Commander and Entry Team Leader. Participated in and/or supervised virtually all Vallejo Police tactical entries/search/apprehensions from January 2006 to January 2013. Developed and provided tactical entry training to Federal Task Force Officers. Routinely developed and provided training to SWAT Team Operators.
0-5 years of experience
Led a shift of uniformed police officers in delivery of public safety services
- Evaluated the activities of personnel assigned to my command
- Answered calls for police assistance from concerned citizens
- Conducted investigations of criminal activities
- Administered department’s traffic safety grants
- Worked with community groups to reduce criminal activities
6-10 years of experience
Internal Affairs/Quality Assurance/ Street Crime Unit/ Patrol Service Bureau
- Conducted investigations, obtained facts, compiled and maintained comprehensive files of all documentations
- Documented findings from internal investigations
- Supervised Police Officers/Detectives in the apprehension and conviction of auto crime violators
- Provided crime prevention recommendations
- Assisted in audits and assessments of department programs and policies
- Performed the evaluations of my personnel
0-5 years of experience
Dedicated supervisor who interacts effectively with city officials and citizens alike-provides customer service support to the general public regarding inquiries on crime prevention
- Committed and motivated supervisor with exceptional customer service and decision making skills, strong work ethics, professional demeanor and great initiative
- Responsible supervisor versed in mediating employee conflict and running efficient daily business operations
- Managed the day-to-day tactical and long term strategic activities within prospective precinct and assigned shift
- Offered feedback to upper management on the effectiveness of strategies, plans of actions and roll call training provided to police officers
- Customer and quality focused, oriented and proactive in resolving issues with exceptional organizational and communication skills
10+ years of experience
Supervised and trained police officers in their daily job function while ensuring productivity and adherence to City and Departmental policies.
- Performed yearly performance evaluations on officers under my supervision and recommending training to enhance their career.
- Using gathered intelligence resources, developed and provided action plans to address crimes issues in specific communities.
- Directed and trained officers on calls requiring special considerations.
- Acting as a Field Commander, coordinated actions with various responsible Divisions in emergency situations.
- Responded to citizen’s complaints and effectively resolved their complaints, thereby enhancing public relationships with the Department.
- Evaluated daily conditions to deploy the appropriate personnel ensuring proper coverage for duty periods.
- Performed as Watch Commander during their absences while providing continuous proactive duty operations.
- Performed as a Law Enforcement instructor for [company name] and surrounding Law Enforcement agencies.
- Initiated development of working relationships with other law enforcement agencies (DEA, FBI, ATF, and SBI).
- Developed and conducted numerous under cover assignments involving multi-agencies.
10+ years of experience
- Oversaw the Community Services Bureau which included budgeting, ordering, and scheduling.
- Supervised five officers whose main function was to teach in the public school system. Served on the safe schools task force and ran the DARE program.
- Was in charge of the Departments Crisis Intervention Team and was Liaison to the Counties Women’s Center.
- Ran Project Life Saver and various Senior Citizen Programs.
- Designed and wrote additions to the Standard Operating Procedures of the Department.
- Assigned to the Detective Bureau conducting criminal investigations, firearms licensing, liquor licensing, evidence handling, and residential and business security surveys.
- Ran a patrol shift of up to twenty officers, reviewed and signed off on reports and approved and scheduled time off.
6-10 years of experience
Protected the life and property of all citizens of the Town of Bernalillo.
- Assigned designated patrol sector for all officers.
- Collected and maintained chain of custody of all evidence, property and records obtained in criminal cases.
- Monitored traffic via patrolling, administered first aid as needed, secured crime scenes, apprehended suspects and handled arrests.
- Assisted officers in investigations and interviews; collected and maintained evidence, as well as property and records obtained in criminal cases.
0-5 years of experience
Oversaw daily operations and provide daily briefing sessions
- Responded to and managed all major emergency events
- Developed and managed operational plans to address noticeable trends
- Conducted investigations of employee misconduct and employee on-the-job injuries
- Trained, developed, evaluated, and coached staff
- Trained newly promoted Sergeants
- Coordinated staffing schedules
0-5 years of experience
Conducted undercover surveillance operations
- Effectively, provided security for dignitaries
- Cooperated with court personnel and officials from other law enforcement agencies and testified in court as necessary
- Reviewed contents of written orders to ensure adherence to legal requirements
- Directed collection, preparation, and handling of evidence and personal property of prisoners
6-10 years of experience
Secret Security Clearance
- Responsible for leading a team of military personnel
- Utilized time manage skills to stay on task in completing assignments
- Set expectations for individuals of the team and ensured tasks were accomplished
- Assessed situations, developed a plan of action and completed with accuracy
6-10 years of experience
Assigned for five years as a sergeant in the Drug and Vice Division Narcotics Detail. Supervised a wide variety of narcotics investigations including complex wiretap cases targeting major drug trafficking organizations. Worked extensively with the FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration as well as state and local agencies.
- Planned and supervised more than 250 investigations including those involving major drug trafficking organizations, violent gang members and undercover operations.
- Planned, supervised and participated in more than 200 search warrants.
- Extensive experience in the recruitment, use and oversight of confidential informants.
- Wrote instructional curriculum for use of informants and instructed class department-wide.
- Extensive experience with surveillance planning and all forms of surveillance techniques.
- Served as unit training officer for all tactical and firearms training.
- Extensive experience in scene management of violent crimes and complex investigations.
- Instructed critical incident management classes at Oregon Public Safety Training Academy.
6-10 years of experience
Patrol supervisor for three to four subordinates during evening shift
- Responsible for reviewing all calls for service generated during shift to monitor progress, accuracy and completion
- Led the Departments Field Training Program, where after the Academy recruits are trained in policy and procedures during an 8 – 10 week training coarse
- Interviewed subjects, complainants and witnesses for information verification and corroboration
- Took statements, depositions and confessions from witnesses, victims and suspects
- Wrote accurate and timely reports regarding emergency response calls
- Referred cases for potential prosecution to the District Attorney’s Office
- Testified under oath in administrative hearings and criminal court cases
0-5 years of experience
- Patrol sergeant who trained, motivated and developed squad of 15 patrol officers.
- Selected by Chief of Police to work division after leadership void.
- Coordinated community events and projects; developed divisional response to 1991 civil unrest in Los Angeles.
6-10 years of experience
- Supervised and monitored the overtime budget for the Eastern District.
- Served as the liaison for the Eastern District and the rest of the police department.
- Coordinated the training and recertification of the employees of the district.
- Regulated and enforced statutory codes and provided safe working conditions for the employees of the district.
0-5 years of experience
Deployed and supervised the activities of shift personnel: ensured the fulfillment of all requests requiring police intervention, monitored the productivity of subordinate personnel, as well as reviewed and processed incoming criminal offense reports.
- Oversaw investigations and arrests performed by subordinates, assisted and advised officers regarding investigative procedures, legal guidelines and Department regulations and best practices, as well as assumed control of investigations involving serious crimes.
- Internal Affairs: investigated cases of legal and Department policy violations committed by internal personnel.
- Coordinated training programs, performed evaluations of subordinates and maintained equipment assigned to the team.
6-10 years of experience
Supervised a twelve member officer shift in the Southeast Community of Newport News.
- Responsible for coaching, training and development of officers on the shift.
- Responded to emergency situations involving crimes against persons and property.
- Served as a Crisis Negotiator with the responsibility of neutralizing situations which could lead to injury or loss of life.
- Served as a Field Training Officer, providing on the job training for new Police Officers.
- Promoted officer recruitment by participating in local and out-of-state job fairs.
- Developed recruiting strategies to enhance the diversity of the department.
- Conducted background investigations and all facets of testing for police department applicants.
6-10 years of experience
Supervised seven police officers; prepared performance evaluations; reviewed all law enforcement reports for accuracy and compliance with Florida State Statutes
- Responded to calls for service and to major scenes
- Coordinated response to disaster incidents or major crime scenes ensuring proper notification and response by all appropriate bureaus
- Identifying, collecting and preserving evidence used to support law enforcement actions
- Testifying in court; conducting investigations; presentation of cases
- Made arrests; performed traffic enforcement
6-10 years of experience
- Developed and instituted a patrol rifle program that enhanced both public safety as well as police officer safety. Received a Federal Grant for six (6) patrol rifles valued at approximately $24,000 at no cost to the Town.
- Designed and instituted a Fleet Management Program to extend the service life of police vehicles.
- Wrote several new departmental policies for the police department’s General
- Department Firearms Instructor & Range Master
- Background Investigator
- Internal Affairs Investigator
- Currently shift commander for the evening shift.
10+ years of experience
Worked as a patrol supervisor, supervising anywhere from 5 to 10 patrol officers. Assisted patrol officers with any problems and questions that they had in regards to calls for service, report writing, arrests, etc. Worked full time as a shift commander during final three years of service, in charge of entire shift. Had to make decisions and solve problems that patrolmen, sergeants, and other personnel had trouble with. As officer in charge, had to handle major incidents, civilian complaints against officers, coordinate with O.I.C.’s from other police agencies in multi-jurisdictional issues and incidents, and in general make sure the shift ran smoothly and without incident.
- Was final decision maker on serious and important issues
- Able to juggle needs of officers and public
- Able to organize multiple resources in order to solve serious incidents
- Able to communicate and work well with outside agencies
- Got along well with subordinates, team effort
0-5 years of experience
Reviews essential information at beginning of new shift and conducts briefing session.
- Member of Special Response Team (S.R.T.), having the responsibility of answering to sensitive, potentially life-threatening situations utilizing specialized equipment and tactics.
- Counsel subordinates when improvement is required, and directly supervised fifteen officers.
- Respond to Hazardous Chemical Spills.
- Plan, prioritize, assign, supervise and review the work of staff. Responsible for providing law enforcement, crime prevention and administrative services within the Police Department.
- Maintain composure and judgment during medical emergencies, and environmental hazards.
- Analyze reports prepared and submitted by subordinates for accuracy, completeness, essential elements, and fundamental soundness.