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Free Curator cover letter example

Dear Ms. Middlebrooks:

Please consider my resume for the position of Curator with the Ollalio Fine Arts Gallery. With my experience and education in museum curatorial and archivist coordination—as well as my outstanding research and communication skills—I am confident that I would benefit your organization.

From soliciting artwork and performing deep historical and arts research to designing venue spaces and creating various marketing pieces to educate and engage visitors, my background has prepared me to excel in this role. With an inherent passion for and growing expertise in museum administration and exhibit design, my interpersonal and organizational capabilities have prepared me well for this position.

Highlights of my background include…

Overseeing comprehensive tasks—including collections/exhibits research, piece selection, art assembly / preparation, brochure creation, report generation, database management, and event coordination—for the Turner Street Gallery in St. Louis, MO.

Serving as Guest Curator for two exhibits at the Westwood Museum of Sculpture, coordinating all show aspects including conception, piece solicitation, and layout design.

Completing a large, independent archival project, inspecting and writing damage reports for more than 270 quarantined artifacts as a Collections Intern with the Missouri Public Museum.

Demonstrating expertise in arranging, digitizing, and preserving archival materials, as well as documenting and tracking all collection items.

Achieving a BA degree in Art History from Washington University and graduating Magna Cum Laude; currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Historical Administration (expected in 2018).

With my solid experience in curatorial responsibilities and museum studies, as well as my dedication to achieving success, I will swiftly surpass your expectations for this role. I look forward to discussing the position in further detail. Thank you for your consideration.


Jennifer R. Cardone

Include These Curator Skills

  • Training in history and history of art
  • Strong knowledge of their subject area
  • Communication and presentation skills
  • Managerial abilities
  • Computer competences
  • Negotiation abilities
  • Administrative skills
  • Problem-solving orientation
  • Research skills
  • Teamwork
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