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Webmaster Duties and Responsibilities

Webmasters perform various daily duties depending on the type and number of webpages they’re designing and maintaining. However, these essential duties are the same with any website:

Design Webpages Webmasters design website pages that are user-friendly, attractive, and engaging, while remaining true to the company brand and promoting the company image and values.

Update Website Webmasters continuously add new site elements and updates to existing pages to keep the website fresh and interesting.

Develop Website Style Guide Webmasters develop site-wide policies across all webpages to establish a particular cohesive style guide and layout.

Train Staff Webmasters train other staff members on using the content management system (CMS) and other online features.

Back Up Website Webmasters regularly back up websites and data.

Optimize Pages Webmasters make sure all website content is optimized for search engines to drive more traffic to pages. This involves using specific keywords and phrases in webpage content.

Track Web Traffic Webmasters track all website visitors and create regular analytics reports to show increases and decreases in traffic.

Collaborate with Marketing Team Webmasters work with the marketing team to develop short- and long-term promotions online. This might include using services like Google AdWords to integrate ad campaigns into online pages to generate site revenue.

Test Pages Webmasters test pages across several different browsers to check the layout and ensure all pages load properly on popular browsers and platforms. When issues occur, webmasters debug the problem, which can include fixing broken links and web forms.


Webmaster Skills and Qualifications

Webmasters are detail-oriented professionals with a good understanding of search engine optimization and web traffic, who use creativity and computer skills to design attractive, attention-grabbing websites. Employers hire webmasters who have these specific skills:

  • Creativity – webmasters use creativity to design brand-new websites using only a few basic ideas about what the company wants from the end product
  • Coding – webmasters have a strong understanding of multiple web design and development languages, primarily HTML, CSS, and Java
  • Web design – webmasters use their coding skills to design websites, create analytics reports, and test webpages
  • Familiarity with design software – webmasters have experience with several common software programs used to design text and images, such as Photoshop
  • Communication skills – strong communication skills are essential for webmasters, who instruct other staff members on using specific website features and write online content to draw in web traffic
  • Customer service – webmasters need some customer service experience to understand what customers want and find ways to satisfy those needs through online webpages

Webmaster Education and Training

A majority of employers require webmasters to have a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field in addition to past work experience in web design. However, some employers will accept experience over education when hiring new webmasters. No training is provided to webmasters, who are hired based on the web design skills and knowledge they already possess. Companies do provide new employees with information and design ideas to help webmasters start building the pages they want to see.


Webmaster Salary and Outlook

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), web developers earn a median salary of $67,990 annually. Web developers and webmasters perform similar duties, such as designing and creating websites. In some companies the two titles are interchangeable. BLS data suggests the number of web developer jobs will rise 15 percent by 2026, which is much faster than the national average job growth. Some full-time webmasters receive healthcare coverage that includes dental and vision benefits. However, many webmasters do not receive insurance benefits from employers, and independent contractors receive no benefits at all. Independent contractors work for themselves, rather than for any specific company, and as such are responsible for their own healthcare, retirement, taxes, and other needs. Some companies provide webmasters with profit-sharing bonuses for monetizing webpages and thus boosting company profits.


Helpful Resources

Look for job opportunities, networking tools, web design tips, and other career strategies and techniques for webmasters using these helpful resources:

American Webmasters Association – loaded with useful articles, this website offers webmasters tips for building pages, driving traffic, marketing online, and achieving higher rankings on search engines

Google Webmaster – use the tips in this book to boost your webpage’s ranking on Google, which will ultimately drive more traffic

Web Professionals – visit this website to find job opportunities, certification programs, education resources, community networking, and useful content for webmasters, including web development tips and strategies

CSS for Beginners: Learn to Tweak Your Website Design – this book covers basic and advanced techniques for using CSS, including helpful tips on creating menus, adding backgrounds to webpages, and formatting tables

The HTML Writers Guild – professionals who work with HTML will find training courses of all kinds at this website. The site also includes online classes and a networking forum

Being a Successful Webmaster: Monetization from Ads – find out how to monetize webpages successfully with the strategies in this book, which offers techniques for using popular ad networks like AdSense and Peerfly