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Kindergarten Teacher Duties and Responsibilities

Kindergarten teachers perform a number of core tasks. Based on our review of job listings, these core tasks are:

Teach Foundational Academic Skills Kindergarten teachers equip their students with basic academic skills that are essential to future learning. They teach letter recognition, writing, and reading skills. They also impart social development norms for the classroom, such as hand-raising, forming lines, appropriate speaking volume, group activities, and classroom behavior.

Provide Foundational Math Instruction Early childhood teachers educate children on basic math skills, such as simple addition and subtraction. They stimulate problem-solving ability and teach more advanced concepts, such as measurement, fractions, and math application.

Assess Student Development Assessing student performance is a key responsibility of kindergarten teachers. They evaluate student progress in multiple areas to make sure kids are developing properly. Teachers test to identify pupil strengths and weaknesses. They also help students overcome identified learning and behavioral challenges. Kindergarten teachers are required to continually update parents on their child’s progress.

Practice Classroom Management Maintaining a safe, well-run classroom that supports independent student learning is a key duty of kindergarten teachers. Classrooms are managed according to school guidelines. Kindergarten teachers monitor children’s interactions to foster healthy cooperation and sharing. Teachers are expected to require positivity and mutual respect among their young students so that everyone feels comfortable to learn.

Attend Staff and Parent Meetings Successful kindergarten teachers work hard to engage parents and guardians in the education of their children. They build strong relationships with students, their parents, and community leaders. Teachers also regularly attend staff and extra-curricular meetings for school-related activities to support the development of their students.


Kindergarten Teacher Salary and Outlook

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual salary of kindergarten teachers is $57,160. The lowest ten percent of workers earn less than $37,340, while the highest ten percent earn more than $92,770. Kindergarten teachers who work full-time in public school systems receive state-mandated benefits, such as health benefits, paid vacations, and federal holidays off. The BLS predicts that employment for kindergarten teachers will grow 7 percent through 2026, which is about as fast as average for all other occupations. Student enrollments are rising but employment levels greatly vary greatly by region.


Helpful Resources

There are many helpful resources out there for those interested in becoming a kindergarten teacher. Take a look at these links that are full of learning opportunities to learn, connect, and engage:

National Kindergarten Alliance – Connect with other teachers in kindergarten education, learn best practice, attend meet and greets, workshops, and more.

National Association for the Education of Young Children – A professional membership organization with over 60,000 members from the early childhood community, this organization offers certification, professional development, and training.

Early Childhood Education: Becoming a Professional 1st Edition – Discover how to become a true professional in the world of early childhood education and how to support children in different cultural contexts.

50 Ideas, Tricks, and Tips for Teaching Kindergarten” – Prepare to teach kids with a large number of skills learned from other kindergarten teachers.

What Kindergarten Teachers Know: Practical and Playful Ways for Parents to Help Children Listen, Learn, and Cooperate at Home – Learn child-management secrets, tools, creative tips, and activities from award-winning kindergarten teachers in this guide that will help you show children how to listen, learn, and think independently.

Kindergarten: Tattle-Tales, Tools, Tactics, Triumphs and Tasty Treats for Teachers and Parents – Get proven ideas that will help you become a great kindergarten teacher.