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Quality Supervisor Duties and Responsibilities

Quality supervisors’ daily responsibilities vary depending on the size and industry of their employer, but most people in this role have similar priorities. Based on our analysis of job listings, quality supervisors are often assigned the following tasks:

Supervise Quality Control Staff Quality supervisors, especially in larger-sized organizations, oversee a team of quality control analysts, who are considered the “front line” staff. As the manager of these analysts, quality supervisors must communicate expectations clearly and ensure their staff is appropriately trained on the latest product standards.

Customer Experience Management Quality supervisors’ main goal is to ensure the customer is pleased with the finished product. When quality issues arise, it is the quality supervisor’s responsibility to communicate clearly with the customer, setting realistic expectations about when the issue will be resolved.

Oversee Quality Management System Many companies operate under a quality management system to ensure all products and services are produced correctly and adequately meet customers’ needs. Quality supervisors often manage these systems, ensuring all aspects of the system are executed for each product.

Report on Quality Metrics Quality supervisors report on quality metrics to other members of the management team. It is crucial to the overall operations of an organization that everything is executed to the highest possible standards.

Identify Safe Working Environment Protocols Those in the quality assurance field often work with large pieces of equipment that can be dangerous. Quality supervisors ensure safety protocols are in place and followed.


Quality Supervisor Skills and Qualifications

Quality supervisors pay strong attention to detail and are able to determine solutions quickly. Most companies require candidates to have five years of experience in quality control, as well as the following skills:

  • Root cause and corrective action plans – quality supervisors (and their team) are the last to assess a product and must identify any issues before it is sent to the customer. When issues are found, quality supervisors use root cause analysis and corrective action planning
  • Establishing standard operations procedures – quality supervisors establish and ensure adherence to these procedures for optimal product production
  • Analytical skills – a large focus of the quality supervisor’s role is analyzing trends and metrics for quality assurance.
  • Customer service finesse – if there is an issue with a product’s quality, quality supervisors inform the customer and assure a corrective plan is in place
  • Staff management – in larger companies, quality supervisors supervise a team. Experience leading, motivating, and training team members lead to a supervisor’s success

Quality Supervisor Education and Training

While some companies consider applicants with a high school diploma or GED equivalent, most require a minimum of an associate’s degree. A bachelor of science degree makes candidates even more attractive for hire, as do three to five years of experience in quality control.


Quality Supervisor Salary and Outlook

The job outlook for quality supervisors is expected to decline by approximately 11 percent through 2026 as a result of technology’s fast-paced growth and capabilities. Most full-time positions offer health and dental benefits.


Quality Supervisor Helpful Resources

If the responsibilities and skill set of a quality supervisor seem interesting to you, check out some of these resources:

International Organization for Standards – Considered the most comprehensive resource for standardization, this organization boasts that it “brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market-relevant International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.”

Society of Quality Assurance – With more than 2,000 members, this society offers a multitude of educational opportunities for those interested in learning more about the quality assurance industry.

ASQ – Describing itself as the “global voice of quality,” this membership-based organization has a wealth of information, publications, and resources for different quality measures.

The Handbook for Quality Management, Second Edition: A Complete Guide to Operational Excellence – This handbook offers real-world tools to help you implement quality control standards at your place of business. Dive into this read to learn more about quality control principles and how to best utilize them in your work.

Quality Assurance: Applying Methodologies for Launching New Products, Services, and Customer Satisfaction – This book will teach you ways to avoid common quality issues and improve customer satisfaction. Author D.H. Stamatis lends his more than 35 years of experience to those interested in improving current quality systems.