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Process Associate Duties and Responsibilities

We researched several process associate job descriptions to come up with the following list of process associate duties and responsibilities:

Collect Production Data and Enter into Database Process associates have to be experts in the manufacturing processes that they are assigned to improve. They create metrics designed to test the effectiveness of the process and then collect this data and input it into a database for further analysis.

Collect Feedback from Production Employees Process associates have to maintain a good relationship with all employees involved in the production process. As these employees are usually the first to notice an issue with the process, good communication helps these issues get addressed before they escalate.

Identify Weaknesses in the Production Process Process associates create a routine for analyzing the effectiveness of the production process. They identify weaknesses and are able to articulate the weaknesses to management.

Consider New Production Trends and Technology Process associates should have a passion for their industry. They constantly network and do research to stay on top of production trends and technology relevant to their industry.

Present Production Improvements to Management Process associates need good presentation and communication skills to present their ideas to the production manager.


Process Associate Skills

Expertise is required to identify and address weaknesses in the production process. Process associates need to be great communicators. This is especially important for those employed by sales organizations. They depend upon feedback from those involved in the production process to formulate their suggestions for improvement. In addition to these traits and areas of expertise, the following skills are needed to obtain employment:

  • Developing metrics to measure process effectiveness
  • Entering production data into a database for further analysis
  • Analyzing production data to determine potential areas for improvement
  • Collaborating with production employees to gather feedback regarding the production process
  • Creating and delivering presentations to management regarding suggested improvements

Process Associate Education and Training

Process associates need a bachelor’s degree in management information systems, computer science, or a similar field. Coursework includes topics such as organizational communication, data management, structured query language, and similar areas of study.


Process Associate Salary

According to Salary.com, the national average salary for process associates is $49,415. Those at the low end of the scale make $46,081; those at the top end of the scale make $52,749.


Process Associate Resources

If you’re interested in a career as a process associate, check out the list of resources below:

Association of Business Process Management Professionals International – The Association of Business Process Management Professional International is the go-to organization for process associates. It has thousands of members and local chapters all around the country. It also provides educational resources to members, including preparation material for its process management certifications.

International Institute of Business Analysis – Founded in 2003, the International Institute of Business Analysis has grown into one of the most respected professional organizations for process associates. It offers career help and professional development on its website, as well as information regarding its certifications.

Business Analyst Learnings – This has been a go-to blog for those in the field of business analysis since 2010. It is updated regularly with career advice, strategies, and trends relevant to process associates.

Microsoft Excel Data Analysis and Business Modeling – This best-selling book covers several of the most common data analysis and business modeling techniques performed with Microsoft Excel. It’s a great read for process associates who want to master spreadsheets.

Business Analytics: Data Analysis and Decision Making – This book is a top seller because of how it breaks down technical concepts and highlights them with practical, real-world examples.