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Nurse Tech Duties and Responsibilities

The primary duty of a Nurse Tech is to provide basic care for patients, which involves many different tasks. We analyzed several job listings to identify these core Nurse Tech duties and responsibilities.

Provide Patient Care Nurse Techs assist patients in all their basic needs, to include including feeding, bathing, shaving, changing clothes, bed making, administering enemas, skin care and bowel and bladder elimination. In some states, Nurse Techs may be allowed assist patients in taking medication.

Assist with Patient Mobility A primary task of Nurse Techs is to assist in getting patients where they need to be. This may mean pushing wheelchairs, lifting stretchers or turning bed-ridden patients.

Monitor Patients Because Nurse Techs have a lot of interface with patients, especially in nursing homes, they are responsible for monitoring the well-being and medical condition of the patients. They must then document and report any observations to an RN. On behalf of the RN, the Nurse Tech may also be tasked with obtaining, labeling and transporting patient samples.

Maintenance of Work Environment Nurse Techs are responsible for ensuring a clean, organized and safe work environment. They monitor stock level and restock supplies and equipment as necessary. Nurse Techs also prepare patients, equipment and supplies for specific procedures and examinations.


Nurse Tech Skills

A Nurse Tech is a hard worker who performs well under pressure and can follow directions. They are also compassionate, patient and good communicators. In addition to these general skills and personality traits, employers are seeking Nurse Tech candidates with the following skills. Core skills: Based on job listings we looked at, employers want [OCCUPATION] with these core skills. If you want to work as a Nurse Tech, focus on the following.

  • American Heart Association (AHA) Basic Life Support certification for the Healthcare Provider
  • Medical Tech certification
  • Good communication skills, and professional and mature interpersonal skills
  • Knowledge of the basic concepts of abnormal vital sign parameters
  • Basic computer navigation skills, data entry experience, and working knowledge of the Internet
  • Ability to perform heavy lifting

Advanced skills: While most employers did not require the following skills, multiple job listings included them as preferred. Add these to your Nurse Tech toolbox and broaden your career options.

  • Understanding of OSHA-MSDS sheets and procedures
  • Knowledge of fire and safety procedures
  • Knowledge of food-handling regulations

Nurse Tech Resources

We searched the Web to find the best industry resources to help you continue exploring a career as a Nurse Tech. From insightful blogs to industry groups, this list is packed with opportunities to learn, connect and engage. On the Web

Scrubs – A jackpot of information for anyone at any stage of their nursing career.

Be In the Know – Offers a library of Nurse Tech training modules, as well as an informative blog.

Hospice and nursing Homes Blog – Get a sense for what is going on in the world of Hospice and Elder care through this well-written blog Industry Groups National network of Career Nursing Assistants – This is an educational organization that promotes nursing assistants in nursing homes and long-term care settings, with lots of events and information on their website.

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) – NHPCO provides resources and career information about a field that Nurse Techs often work in. Nurse Tech Books

Mosby’s Textbook for Nursing Assistants, 8th Edition by Sheila Sorrentino and Leighann Remmert – A complete guide with step-by-step instructions for many of the procedures that a Nurse Tech must master.

BLS for Healthcare Providers (Student Manual) by Mary Fran Hazinski – This text covers all the information to become certified in BLS for Healthcare providers, a requirement for most Nurse Tech jobs.