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Technology Coordinator Duties and Responsibilities

Technology Coordinators are often tasked with many responsibilities and their employer will dictate exactly what those responsibilities are. However, there are several main duties all Technology Coordinators perform. A review of current job listings identified the following primary tasks and responsibilities.

Provide Support to Users A Technology Coordinator will often be required to offer assistance to computer system users. This may involve communicating with both local and remote users in person, on the phone or by email. Troubleshooting and a firm grasp of computers is necessary for this role.

Deploy Technology A Technology Coordinator is responsible for deploying new technologies and revitalizing current systems. This may include planning the system, creating cost analyses, ordering supplies, coordinating with vendors, working on or supervising the installment of components, scheduling tests of the system and creating training for users of the new technology.

Managing Projects Technology Coordinators will often be charged with managing various technology projects. They will need to gather an appropriate team, research technologies, schedule meetings, plan timelines for the project and oversee the deployment of the project. Some Technology Coordinators will have large teams to work with, while others will be required to perform many of the tasks themselves.


Technology Coordinator Skills

A successful Technology Coordinator has technical aptitude and enjoys assisting others. They have excellent communication skills and keep up-to-date on the latest developments and trends in the industry. They must be reliable workers and comfortable working with minimal supervision. In addition to these traits, employers look for applicants with the following skillsets. Core skills: Based on job listings we looked at, employers want Technology Coordinators with these core skills. If you want to work in Technology Coordinator, focus on the following.

  • Advanced computing skills
  • Knowledge of networking technologies
  • Ability to create training materials
  • Technical writing skills
  • Experience with database management

Advanced skills: While most employers did not require the following skills, multiple job listings included them as preferred. Add these to your skillset and broaden your career options.

  • Experience with computer imaging software
  • Certifications such as, ITIL or CompTIA A+

Technology Coordinator Resources

There are more helpful resources available on the Web for those interested in working in Technology Coordinator. We scoured the Internet and found these links full of learning opportunities and the latest industry news. On the Web

SDW Tech Integration Now – This blog is maintained by the Technology Coordinators of Waukesha School District and covers everything from the latest technologies the district is utilizing to tips and advice on instructing children in the uses of technology.

ACM’s Digital Library – The Association of Computing Machinery publishes over 50 journals dedicated to all aspects of the computing world. Keep up-to-date on the latest technologies by subscribing to some of their magazines.

MIT Technology Review – This trusted journal is the longest running technology magazine and offers insight into all areas of technology. Technology Coordinator Books

The Technology Coordinator’s Handbook – This handbook looks at the expanding role of Technology Coordinator’s in an ever-expanding technological world. Max Frazier explores new technologies and new issues the Technology Coordinator will face on the job.

Planning for Technology: A Guide for School Administrators, Technology Coordinators, and Curriculum Leaders – This text is a wonderful resource for those who intend to work as a Technology Coordinator for a school district or educational facility. The authors highlight the best practices for providing the latest technologies to students to prepare them for the digital world. Industry Groups

Association for Computing Machinery – ACM has more than 100,000 member worldwide and is the world’s largest computing society. The organization focuses on professional growth by offering education and training opportunities as well as networking events and the latest news in the industry.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society – IEEE’s Computer Society has over 60,000 members globally. Their large network of members enjoy career development, technical information, research and industry news from this organization.

Computing Technology Industry Association – Founded in 1982, CompTIA provides certification and business credentials, IT education, networking opportunities and resources to those in the information technology field.