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Application Consultant Duties and Responsibilities

Any business, brand, or corporation with an online presence may hire application consultants to create and streamline their web-based applications. However, the core duties for application consultants are the same for any type of employer and include the following:

Maintain Existing Software Applications Application consultants manage and troubleshoot existing software applications and programs, finding and implementing solutions to existing and potential problems.

Develop New Applications and Programs Application consultants create and implement new software programs and applications to meet specific business goals and customer needs.

Provide Live Support Application consultants provide live technical support to customers using application programs via web or phone communication.

Train Customers and Staff The application consultant creates training materials and gives verbal training instructions to customers and other staff members, advising them on the best ways to use applications and software to meet their desired goals and complete tasks.

Write Reports Application consultants write reports on application programs based on data analysis, outlining areas that need improvement and creating suggestions to streamline application software functions.


Application Consultant Skills and Qualifications

Application consultants are tech-savvy professionals who understand technical language and communicate technical issues in a simple, basic way for customers and staff members. Employers look for these specific skills and past experience when hiring application consultants:

  • Customer service – application consultants answer customer questions, provide customer training, and resolve customer problems, so candidates with a background in customer service are highly desirable to potential employers
  • Coding – because application consultants work with data and use several programming languages to create, manage, and streamline applications, professionals with knowledge of CSS, XSLT, XML, and other common coding languages stand out as strong job candidates
  • Problem-solving skills – application consultants use critical thinking and problem-solving skills to troubleshoot potential software application problems and design fixes for them
  • Communication skills – application consultants need strong written and verbal communication skills to provide training and instruction to customers and staff members on software application functions and to explain highly technical issues in an easy-to-understand way
  • Multitasking skills – application consultants work on numerous software application programs at once while offering training tips and troubleshooting software issues, which requires people in this career to be skilled at multitasking and staying organized

Application Consultant Education and Training

Employers look for application consultants who have a bachelor’s degree in computer science, information systems, or a related career field. Candidates who have additional education, such as a master’s degree, or past work experience as an application consultant are more desirable to potential employers. Most employers provide a brief training period, usually one to two weeks, to help application consultants become familiar with existing software applications and the company’s future application goals. During this period, application consultants will work closely with their supervisors to learn more about the company’s brand, voice, and business needs.


Application Consultant Salary and Outlook

Application consultants are a specialized type of software developer, a career that earns a median annual salary of $102,280. PayScale statistics show that application consultants earn a median annual income of $66,911. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ career projections, jobs for software developers will rise by 24 percent through 2026. In addition to salary, employers typically provide application consultants with stock options as a monetary incentive. Often, application consultants have the option of flexible work hours that allow them to spend some time working remotely. Full benefits packages that include health, dental, vision, life insurance, and retirement savings are also usually offered to application consultants. Large companies often provide additional job perks to employees, such as free lunches and childcare reimbursement.


Helpful Resources

Find career opportunities for application consultants, and learn how to master the techniques and strategies of succeeding in this career path, using the tips and information in these books and websites:

Association of Software Professionals – ASP is designed for software professionals of all types to provide news updates, community resources, content about viruses, and other software development issues application consultants need to know about

Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction, Second Edition – this guidebook is a handy source of information for application consultants and other professional software developers who want to learn strategies for debugging, coding, and programming applications of all types

Developers Alliance – the Developers Alliance website offers programming research resources, multimedia guides, career opportunities, and a variety of useful content for application consultants and other professional software developers

Programming in Go: Creating Applications for the 21st Century (Developer’s Library) – read this book to learn more about software programming with Go and using the most common programming languages to develop software applications and computer programs of all types