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Elementary School Principal Resume Samples
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0-5 years of experience
Prepared introduction of new curriculum and instructional methods for grades Pre K – 8.
- Planned and facilitated professional development which led to enhancements in the quality of instructional delivery.
- Developed the Parent Education and outreach programs as well as the Character Education program.
- Designed educational programs tailored to student needs based on assessment data.
- Evaluated teachers and other staff.
6-10 years of experience
Successfully utilized IIUSP Grant to implement school wide intervention program using substitutes teachers to team with classroom teachers in order to focus on student academic progress.
- Mentored teachers in the creation and implementation of powerful learning environments, lesson plans, and student assessments.
- Developed and implemented a high quality professional development that was aligned with district and school goals.
- Participated in various school reform efforts
- Coordinated the effective alignment of all budgets with curriculum and instruction.
- Cultivated an environment that encouraged open communication with colleagues, students community and district leadership.
6-10 years of experience
Principal for preschool through 8th grade school of 570 students and a staff of 50
- Supervised and evaluated all staff
- Hired 63% of the staff
- Created Strategic Plan for the school
- Developed and implemented New Teacher Mentoring Program
- Provided ongoing professional development
- Diocesan Committees: Staff Evaluation, Special Education, Curriculum
0-5 years of experience
Developed and implemented Five Year Technology Plan at both schools
- Encouraged and significantly increased parent involvement through collaboration with the School Site Council (SSC), Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and English Language Alliance Committee (ELAC)
- Identified success needs of the student population implemented and monitored academic and literacy programs toward those goals
- Designed and implemented student behavioral modification programs to reduce truancy, attitude and interactions with teachers and peer students. Suspensions were reduced from 30/year to one
- Established consistency among teaching population to deliver curriculum consistently
10+ years of experience
Supervised, evaluated, and hired faculty and staff
- Designed and managed the school budget
- Involved in efforts to increase enrollment through marketing and quality education
- Provided activities for positive relations with community
- Coordinated and managed curriculum for all age levels
0-5 years of experience
Served as instructional leader
- Developed programs that supported student achievement
- Maintained high visibility and interaction with students, staff and community
- Implemented effective management structures, strategies and procedures
- Performed other related duties as required
0-5 years of experience
Boosted morale and self-esteem among teachers by encouraging them to teach outside the box.
- Re-established Parent/Teacher Association (PTA)
- Administrative duties included managing budget of $1,000,000
- Hiring new teachers
- Ensured quality education by supervising instruction of teachers
- Maintaining communication between teachers, parents and students
- Maintaining a safe, secure campus
0-5 years of experience
Demonstrated skills and knowledge in instructional leadership
- Provided oversight in fiscal and facility management
- Collaborated with staff to develop and implement school action plans
- Established an environment of respect and collaboration with staff and parents
- Created a climate of high expectations for student learning and behavior
- Supported the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program across all grade levels
- Facilitated professional development related to the Common Core State Standards
- Developed and supported teacher leaders and innovators
- Provided leadership and support in the special education classrooms
- Sustained the Response to Intervention model to meet student academic needs
0-5 years of experience
Ran a charter school in Chicago for an educational management company.
- Worked in a multicultural environment that celebrated differences in cultures and coordinated with team leaders to create a highly academic and rigorous school climate.
- Incited double digit growth in standardized test results by providing school-wide professional development workshops in reading, math, science, and writing.
- Coordinated the development of and successfully wrote grants for a staff resource center, new library and computer lab for Chicago Foundation for Education, National Dairy Council, and the Walton Foundation.
- Worked with parents to build a strong school community and effective communication.
0-5 years of experience
Exhibited and insured educational leadership and development for 77 teachers
- Provided leadership and supervision of Administrative Office, Food Service, and Custodial staff of 12 employees
- Insured consistent educational leadership, development and mentoring of 950 – 1,000 students K thru 6th Grade for the Miami Chapel/Louise Troy Campus
- Developed and delivered leadership and development training for School District Superintendent and his entire staff, Assistant Superintendents, Principals and Assistant Principals, Curriculum Development, Transportation Safety, Budget, and other related staff members. Training included teambuilding, Personality Assessment, Total Quality Management and Organizational Development, and Human Relations/Diversity Training.
0-5 years of experience
Developed evaluation documents to streamline the evaluation process on our campus
- Worked effectively with professional learning communities/vertical alignment teams to set goals and establish criteria to determine if those goals were met
- Facilitated campus leadership team in redevelopment of mission and vision statements
- Ability to clearly communicate to community stakeholders
- Procedure, timelines, and requirements are relayed in a clear and timely manner for staff members
- Keen ability to locate and interpret board policy and district procedures
- Ability to make decisions based on data
- Aligned campus budget with Campus Action Plan & made sound decisions based on needs
10+ years of experience
Provide secretarial services related to the school office.
- Act as a liaison between teachers, parents and community.
- Maintain accurate student files and daily attendance records.
- Responsible for 4th Wednesday Pupil Accounting records and reports with 100% accuracy.
- Order and maintain adequate supplies using AS/400 Program.
- Dispense medication and first aid to students.
- Support principal and teachers in enhancing student achievement.
- Preparation of payroll for lay workers.
0-5 years of experience
Maintain a safe and peaceful environment within the classroom setting.
- Manage staff, students, and all activities of the school including parent volunteers and before and after school care.
- Facilitator for recent accreditation process, grades Junior Kindergarten through twelfth.
- Coordinate weekly chapel programs for the elementary school.
- Lead weekly devotions of entire school staff including elementary and upper school.
- School Leadership Team committee member.
- Maintain inventory of all textbooks and supplies for the elementary school.
0-5 years of experience
Manage and coordinate the educational, administrative affairs of the school
- Identify student and staff needs and develop ways of addressing those needs
- Supervise the maintenance of school facilities to provide a safe working environment for staff and students
- Enforce discipline within the school manage staff recruitment and training
- Perform teaching tasks
0-5 years of experience
Led teams to evaluate all curriculum areas and produce written curriculum.
- Member of Board of Education’s negotiating team.
- Director of Title I & Special Education K-6.
- High School Athletic Director for 1
0-5 years of experience
Assisted Elementary School Principal with all tasks essential to the daily operation of the school
- Developed educational interventions for struggling students, class-wide interventions and assisted with Math, ELA and Science
- Substituted for teachers in grades 4th through 8th
- Maintained Power School attendance for the building