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Driver Helper Duties and Responsibilities

The type of organization a driver helper works for will determine the exact tasks they take on. Based on job listings we analyzed, a driver helper’s duties typically involve:

Assisting Drivers with Deliveries A driver helper’s main responsibilities include assisting the driver with loading and unloading the truck, delivering equipment or products to customers and clients, helping drivers navigate to each destination on schedule, and recording delivery logs.

Reporting Problems If there are any issues with a delivery or problems with a deadline, it’s a driver helper’s responsibility to report it to a supervisor or senior staff member and help resolve the problem if possible. They work with the driver to fill logs and reports of each delivery for an accurate record of what has been completed.

Interacting with Customers Driver helpers communicate with customers and clients to ensure they’re happy with the service they received. They also ask for feedback to resolve a customer’s complaints or issues if necessary. This part of the role also includes collecting payments.

Assisting with Navigation and Routes As part of this job, driver helpers work with the main office or warehouse logistics staff to update the driver of any route changes, assist with navigating to locations, and keep track of schedules. This involves managing the GPS to input new ZIP codes and updating records or changes to the delivery route.

Unload Trucks Driver helpers assist in unloading the truck at the end of each shift and help keep it clean and tidy at all times in preparation for other colleagues’ use. This includes handling the bin-raising device on the rear of the truck to load and unload equipment or packages.


Driver Helper Skills and Qualifications

Driver helpers are physically fit, have the endurance to work long hours, work well as part of a team, and can stick to tight deadlines. Typically, employers require a high school diploma. Some companies may request previous experience in addition to the following abilities:

  • Physical stamina – driver helpers are responsible for lifting heavy items and unloading equipment onto or off of vehicles, so they need the strength and stamina to keep up with this kind of work
  • Customer service – driver helpers often interact directly with customers, so strong customer service skills are necessary in order to remain professional and polite at all times and to resolve any complaints or issues with deliveries
  • Teamwork – this role involves working closely with colleagues and assisting them with deliveries and loading equipment, so applicants need to have professional collaboration skills
  • Punctuality – driver helpers work a tight schedule and are required to complete a certain amount of deliveries in a set time frame, so they must be punctual and manage their time efficiently

Driver Helper Education and Training

The minimum requirement to become a driver helper is a high school diploma, although previous experience in a similar role is advantageous. Some companies offer entry-level positions without the need for a high school diploma. Much of the training for this position takes place on the job from experienced colleagues. For some companies, a clean driver’s license may also be necessary. Applicants who have experience in sales, retail, or customer service-focused roles will find these skills beneficial to their resumes.


Driver Helper Salary and Outlook

The median annual salary for driver helpers is $29,000. Driver helpers in the 10th percentile earn around $18,000 a year, while the highest paid earn nearly $55,000. Some companies offer bonus structures with this role, with an additional earning potential of nearly $2,000. Prior experience has the biggest impact on the pay grade for this job. Around half of companies in this industry provide health benefits as part of the salary package. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that this sector will grow 4 percent through 2026.