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Data Quality Analyst Duties and Responsibilities

The type of organization a data quality analyst works for will determine the exact roles and responsibilities they take on. Based on job listings we analyzed, a data quality analyst’s duties typically involve:

Interpret Data Data quality analysts interpret data and analyze the results using statistical techniques. They provide ongoing reports on the effects of different strategies and observe any trends or issues to raise with senior management.

Develop and Implement Databases This role involves working with database developers to implement databases for more effective data collection and storage, as well as performing data analytics and other strategies to optimize the efficiency and quality of the data being collected.

Identify Trends Data quality analysts acquire data from primary or secondary data sources to maintain database systems. They also identify and interpret trends or patterns in complex data sets.

Review Computer Reports This role involves filtering and “cleaning” data by reviewing computer reports and performance indicators to correct any code problems and check the efficiency of the data collection processes in place.

Prioritize Business Needs Data quality analysts work with management to prioritize business and information needs and identify new processes that will improve the systems in place and define new opportunities.


Data Quality Analyst Skills and Qualifications

Data quality analysts should have strong analytical abilities, be able to condense complex data into digestible information for use in other parts of the business, and have an aptitude for numbers. Typically, employers require a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, computer science, or a similar subject, as well as the following abilities:

  • Technical expertise – data quality analysts work with statistical packages and programming codes much of the time, so they must be technically adept and able to work with data models and data mining software
  • Computer skills – much of this role requires using different software programs, so strong computer skills are a must, as is the ability to quickly pick up new programs and techniques as technology evolves
  • Analytical abilities – data quality analysts work with large and often complex data sets, so they need strong analytical skills and the ability to evaluate and interpret trends and important information
  • Interpersonal skills – this role involves working with different departments and as part of a team, so excellent interpersonal and communication skills are important to work effectively with others
  • Problem-solving skills – identifying issues or ways to improve systems that are already in place is a key job function, so data quality analysts must be critical thinkers who can successfully troubleshoot and solve problems

Data Quality Analyst Education and Training

To become a data quality analyst, the minimum requirement is a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, economics, computer science, information management, or statistics. Some employers may request a master’s degree in these subjects as well. Because this role is based on analysis, students need to have extensive coursework in areas such as statistics, calculus, and algebra. Coursework in computer science is also beneficial, as analysts rely on database software to evaluate data. Data quality analysts also need good knowledge of programming languages, in particular SQL and Javascript, and excellent statistical knowledge. Continuing education is important for this role, so keeping up with advances in technology, software tools, and analytical methods is a must.


Data Quality Analyst Salary and Outlook

The median annual salary for data quality analysts is just over $56,000. Data quality analysts in the 10th percentile earn $40,000 a year, while the highest paid earn nearly $82,000 annually. Bonus structures are sometimes offered by certain companies, providing additional earning potential of $8,000. Prior experience and skill set impacts the pay level for this role, and many employers offer dental plans and medical insurance as part of their benefits package. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the growth rate for research analysts will rise by 27 percent through 2026.


Helpful Resources

We’ve collected some of the best resources to help you develop your career as a data quality analyst:

SQL: The Ultimate Beginners Guide – Learning SQL is necessary to becoming a data quality analyst, but the process can be tedious unless you have a genuine interest in learning new skills. This guide lays out key and basic SQL concepts in easy-to-understand terms.

Developing Analytic Talent: Becoming a Data Scientist – This reference guide covers the main elements of data science, from extracting and creating data to processing it to assess business value. It explains the finer points of analyzing data, including case studies and what companies are looking for.

Facebook Data Science – This Facebook page is a gold mine of information for anyone working with data. It has over 480,000 members and is ideal for finding the answer to a tricky question or sharing knowledge and the latest news.

Big Data – The Big Data professional network is a LinkedIn group for anyone working in the data sector. Perfect for networking, keeping up-to-date with the latest software and trends, and finding the answers to a problem, it’s a great resource featuring more than 86,000 members.