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Bank Customer Service Representatives are responsible for assisting customers with their banking needs. Whether a customer or potential client requires information on banking fees, or if they are seeking information related to online banking, Bank Customer Service Representatives are there to help and provide exceptional customer service. Bank Customer Service Representatives can be found working in banks or bank customer service centers.

Due to the rise of online and mobile banking, bank Teller and Customer Service Representative positions are expected to decline 8 percent through 2024, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That amounts to a loss of nearly 40,000 jobs during that period.

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Bank Customer Service Representative Duties and Responsibilities

To make sure that their customers are pleased and have a sterling experience, Bank Customer Service Representatives must be able to perform a wide range of tasks. We analyzed several job listings to identify these core Bank Customer Service Representative duties and responsibilities.

Resolve Problems

Day to day, Bank Customer Service Representatives are working on resolving issues for banking customers. If a customer's credit card was stolen, then Bank Customer Service Representatives will be the one to cancel the card and provide the customer with a new card. If a customer has a strange fee, Bank Customer Service Representatives will work to explain the fee to the customer or find a satisfactory resolution. Bank Customer Service Representatives are constantly working to find solutions to customer problems.

Provide Operational Support

Bank Customer Service Representatives also work on making sure that consumers are having an outstanding banking experience. If a customer is looking to use mobile banking, or to try out a new service, Bank Customer Service Representatives are there to provide them with information and step by step instructions for using the service.

Sell Bank Products

Bank Customer Service Representatives work to inform and suggest new banking products and services to customers as well. Ultimately Bank Customer Service Representatives want to assist customers and provide them with a better banking experience. So when they can, they try to give insight on new bank products that might be of interest to the consumer.

Bank Customer Service Representative Skills

Bank Customer Service Representatives are great at helping people and have a strong ability to multitask. They are able to provide various types of services, and this demands them to have a strong skillset. Employers look for Bank Customer Service Representatives to have the following skills.

Core skills: Based on the job listings that we looked at, employers want Bank Customer Service Representatives to have these core skills. If you want to seek employment as a Bank Customer Service Representative, focus on the following.
  • A Providing high-level customer service
  • Selling products and services directly to consumers
  • Understanding standard bank transactions, as well as common product and services.
  • Mastering basic math
  • Working with various types of technology and software

Advanced skills: While most employer did not require the following skills, multiple job listings included them as preferred skills. Add these to your Bank Customer Service Representative toolbox and broaden your career options.
  • Experience with banking software, like FISERV, PremierITI or Horizon
  • Experience cross-selling services
  • Previous experience in a bank or financial institution setting

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Bank Customer Service Representative Resources

We searched the web to find these industry resources to help you continue your research about Bank Customer Service Representatives. From books to industry groups, this list is packed with opportunities to learn, connect and engage.

On the Web

Shep Hyken's Customer Service Blog

Shep Hyken is a customer service expert and his blog covers everything there is to know about customer service.


this website provides a customer service experience blog that has loads of tips, tricks and strategies to enhance your ability as a customer service representative.

I want it NOW

is a blog that focuses on customer service, and talks about everything from how to work with unsatisfied customers to call center tips.

Industry Groups


The National Customer Service Association has the goal of providing members with the information and skills needs to build enduring customer relationships for customer service professionals.


The International Customer Service Association's goal is to assist individuals and organizations within the professional customer service space.

Bank Customer Service Representative Books

Super Service

this book written by Jeff and Val Gee gives some of the best advice on dealing with demanding, dissatisfied and hard to work with customers.

Customer Service Representative's Roles & Responsibilities

written by Timothy F. Bednarz, this book helps customer service representatives to perform well at their jobs and helps them to improve service and increase customer satisfaction.

Bank Customer Service Representative Resume Help

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