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Free Nursery Assistant cover letter example

Dear Mr. Styles,

Upon learning of your search for a Nursery Assistant, I have decided to submit my resume for your consideration. As a Nursery Assistant with a love for children and three years of experience working at Crestwick Nursery School, I think I have what is required to succeed at your school.

My professional experience includes providing a safe and fun learning environment for preschool children on a daily basis. My experience makes me think I can do great things at Reynolds Nursery School.

The following is a list of my most relevant skills and accomplishments.

De-escalated conflicts between children on a daily basis

Created and performed counting and other math songs using acoustic guitar

Explained progress and incident reports to parents on a daily basis

Fostered a fun and safe learning environment consistently

Kept track of enrolled children and daily check in logs

I can’t remember a day at work when I ever felt anything negative towards a child. I know that even the worst tantrums are part of a child’s development, and I revel in my ability to help them develop. If you’re interested in granting me an interview, then please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you for your consideration.


Ryan L. Tannerson

Include These Nursery Assistant Skills

  • Experience handling infants and toddlers
  • Knowledge of Child Development
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Positive Demeanor
  • Patience
  • Organizational skills
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office
  • Written and verbal communication skills
  • Creative thinker
  • Love of children
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